Precautions to protect your knee after surgery
Your surgeon may give you a list of movements to avoid after your surgery to ensure proper healing or avoid stressing the knee joint before it has recovered sufficiently from the procedure or the muscles are strong enough to support it.
You may already have had some physiotherapy following your injury, but if it was severe enough to require surgery, the benefits are likely to have been limited and temporary.
During recovery after your operation, things will be different. Physiotherapy will be a key part of your recovery, and you should expect to see significant and lasting benefits from it.
Physiotherapy’s primary purpose is to help you improve mobility and restore strength and movement in your knee by strengthening its supporting muscles. It will help reduce post-operative pain, improve the quality of your movement – particularly your gait and walking speed – and give you a better overall outcome from your surgery.
Once you’re able to get rid of your crutches and knee brace, and you’re no longer at risk of tearing the stitches in your Meniscus, it will be safe to begin your post-surgical rehab programme.
This will include a series of exercises designed by a Physiotherapist, especially to support your recovery. This app will tell you what they are how often to do them and will show you videos, with clear and simple explanations, that will demonstrate how to perform them correctly.
Not only will this improve the speed and effectiveness of your recovery, but it will also improve your quality of life by making daily tasks and activities easier, like walking, going up the stairs, getting in and out of bed and on and off the toilet.
However, while it’s normal to want to recover as fast as possible, the key is not to do too much too soon. Follow the videos on this app as closely as possible unless otherwise instructed by your physiotherapist. While you may have good days and bad days, you should start to feel gradual improvement over time.