Timing - 3-6 weeks
The purpose of this stage is to maintain muscle strength pre-surgery. Please ensure you have approximately 30 seconds rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between exercises. Exercises should be performed 5 times a week.
Straight leg raises
Nil equipment
20 reps, 3 seconds rest between reps
2-3 x a day
This exercise can be done standing up or lying on your back, whichever you prefer. Keeping the leg straight - no bend in the knee - lift your leg as far as is comfortable, then lower gently.
Static quads contraction
Sitting up on the bed
10 reps 3 second rest between reps
2-3 x a day
You can do this exercise sitting up in bed. Straighten your leg in front of you, then tense the thigh muscles - you should feel your knee pushing down into the bed. Hold for 3 seconds and relax
Side-lying hip abduction
2 x 20 reps, each side, 3 second rest between reps
3 x a day
Lying on your side tighten the muscles on your front thigh on the upper leg, lift the leg 9 – 10 inches off the cushion, hold for 3 seconds and gently lower back down.
Sit to stand
10 reps
2 -3 x a day
Find a chair that's at the right height - feet flat on the floor, your knees should be at 90 degrees. Using your arms as little as possible, stand up. Then lower yourself back to sitting, with control all the way.
Marching on the spot
3 x 30 – 60 secs as you feel comfortable
2 x day
In this exercise, keep your body upright and lift the knees as high as you can. Try to keep the feet pointing forwards. If you're not confident with your balance, use a wall or the back of a chair for support. Continue for at least 30 seconds, working up to a minute.
Hip raisers /bridge
10 Reps
2-3 x a day
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles and slowly lift your hips up as far as you can, aiming for a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower slowly down.
Prone knee hangs
Hold the position for 20 seconds
2-3 x a day
Lie on your front with your lower leg hanging off the bed. The edge of the bed should be just above your knee. Relax into this position letting your knee straighten as much as is comfortable. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
Prone hamstring curl unloaded
2 x 20 Reps
3 x a day
Lie on your front on the bed. Bend your leg at the knee, using your hamstring muscles to pull your heel towards your buttock, then release and lower the leg back to the bed.
Single leg Balance
4 x 30 seconds each side
3 x day
Stand nice and tall, then take a slight bend in one knee, and raise the opposite leg off the ground - it doesn't have to lift far. Stay like that for 30 seconds. If you lose balance, just reset and start again until the time is up.
Calf raises on ground
Standing +/- step
3 x 15-20 reps
2 x a day
Stand facing a wall, using your fingertips for balance. Push through the balls of your feet to lift your heels as high as you can go. Keep an even pressure across all the toes. Lower the heels slowly and repeat 15-20 times.
No giving way
No locking of the knee
Pain 2/10 or less
Swelling hasn’t worsened
Pain-free going up and downstairs