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Post-Op Physiotherapy Stage 1
Updated over 2 years ago

Timing 0-2 weeks after surgery

When you leave hospital after your surgery, you may be wearing a knee brace and using crutches. Your operated leg should be completely non-weight bearing at this stage.

Any exercise undertaken should be done whilst wearing the knee brace and should be non-weight bearing at all times.

Ankle pumps

Sitting or lying on the bed

2 x 20 Reps

3 x a day

You can do this exercise either lying or sitting. But make sure to keep the leg straight from hip to ankle as you briskly 'pump' your ankle up and down. Do this 20 times, rest briefly and repeat. Work both ankles together.

Knee bends flexion

Sitting or lying on the bed

2 x 20 Reps

3 x a day

You can do this exercise in bed, either sitting up or lying on your back. Stretch both legs out in front of you. Without your feet lifting from the bed, bring one foot towards your buttock to bend your knee and then straighten your leg back out again.

Static quads contraction

Sitting up in bed

2 x 20 Reps

3 x a day if pain free

You can do this exercise sitting up in bed. Straighten your leg in front of you, then tense the thigh muscles – you should feel your knee pushing down into the bed. Hold for 3 seconds and relax.

Goals at 2 weeks

  • Protect the meniscus repair (staying in brace and non-weight bearing)

  • Minimise swelling

  • Improve muscle memory and contraction in quadriceps

If you can achieve the goals above then you can move onto the next stage. If not then repeat this stage.

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