Timing 3-6 weeks after surgery
This phase can be relatively lengthy and requires gradual progression. Exercises are likely to start with basic bodyweight movements before adding external load. It is important to ensure the knee remains comfortable throughout this phase - increase in pain and/or swelling is indicative of too high load on the knee. Low impact exercise such as stationary cycling, cross trainer, swimming may be introduced as long as the knee remains comfortable with it. Please ensure you have approximately 30 seconds rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between exercises. Exercises should be performed 5 times a week.
Step ups
2 x 15 reps
3 x a day
In this exercise, it’s important to start with the injured leg. So using your crutch or walking stick to support you, or holding onto a bannister or wall, step up with your bad leg first. Then step back down, leading with the good leg this time.
Prone knee hangs
Hold the position for 20 seconds
2-3 x a day
Lie on your front with your lower leg hanging off the bed. The edge of the bed should be just above your knee. Relax into this position letting your knee straighten as much as is comfortable. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
Single leg balance
4 x 30 seconds each side
3 x a day
Stand nice and tall, then take a slight bend in one knee, and raise the opposite leg off the ground - it doesn't have to lift far. Stay like that for 30 seconds. If you lose balance, just reset and start again until the time is up.
Bridge progression single leg bridge
Lying on the floor/bed
3 x 10 reps each leg
3 x a day
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles and pushing through one heel only, lift your hips up, keeping the pelvis level and aiming for a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower slowly down.
Bridge swiss ball leg curl
Floor with swiss ball
3 x 10 reps
1 x a day (5 x a week)
Lying on your back, place your feet on your swiss ball. Keep a slight bend in the knees. With your arms on the floor to support you, push through your heels into the ball to raise your hips off the ground until your shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line. Pull the ball towards you with your heels as far as is comfortable, then return to the start position.
Side plank isometric
3 x 20 seconds each side
1 x a day
Lying on your side, place one foot in front of the other. With your forearm also on the ground and your elbow directly under the shoulder, push through your shoulder and feet to lift your body off the ground. Keep your shoulder, hip, knee and foot in a straight line and hold for 40 seconds. Don't forget to breathe!
Squat Progression Goblet Squat
Floor with dumb bell/kettle bell
3 x 10-15 reps
2-3 x a day
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart sit back into a squat, bending your knees to ninety degrees as if you were sitting down onto a chair. A weight can be held between both hands, held against the chest in a prayer position.
Terminal knee extension with band
3 x 15 reps each side
1 x a day
Attach a resistance band to something stable - a table leg or bannister for instance. Put the foot of the injured leg into the band, pull it up until it's just above the knee and step back until there's some tension on the band. The knee should be slightly bent. Keeping your weight on the leg, tighten your thigh muscle and press your knee back into the band. Hold for a second and then soften the knee again.
Single leg calf raises off step
3 x 8-12 reps each side
1 x a day (5 x a week)
Leading with your good leg, stand on a box or step with your heels off the edge. Now lift the good leg slightly so that all your weight is on the injured leg. Lift up onto your toes as high as you can. Pause, then lower back down until your heel is slightly lower than the step.
Hip Hinges gradually to load
Floor and weights
3 x 10-15 reps
1 x a day (5 x a week)
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your side. Slightly soften the knees and engage the stomach muscles. Keeping the back straight, and letting the arms hang naturally, push your hips back and lean forward until you feel a pull in the hamstrings. Pause, then push your hips forward, bringing yourself back to your start position. As you progress, you can add hand weights.
Banded Crab walk
Floor and band
3 x 30 seconds
1 x a day (5 x a week)
Place a resistance band around the ankles, then step the feet wide so there's some tension in the band. Take a step to one side stretching the band further, then bring the other foot in towards it - just far enough to keep the band under tension. Make sure to lift the feet and not drag them. Sidestep for 15 seconds in each direction and repeat 3 times.
Goals at 6 weeks
Fully straight knee
Knee bend to 125 degrees
Minimal to no swelling
No lag in active knee extension - able to straight leg raise without the knee bending
If you can achieve the goals above then you can move onto the next stage. If not then repeat this stage.