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Post-Op Physiotherapy Stage 2
Updated over 2 years ago

Timing 3-6 weeks after surgery

During this period it is important to allow the knee to settle down with pain and swelling. Gentle mobility exercises and exercises to get the quadriceps firing are advised. Extension is important so avoid resting with the pillow under the knee. Any exercise undertaken should be done whilst wearing the knee brace if you’ve been fitted with one. Please ensure you have approximately 30 seconds rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between exercises. Exercises should be performed daily.

Knee bends flexion

Sitting or lying on the bed

10 reps

2-3 x a day

You can do this exercise in bed, either sitting up or lying on your back. Stretch both legs out in front of you. Without your feet lifting from the bed, bring one foot towards your buttock to bend your knee and then straighten your leg back out again.

Straight leg raises

Standing or lying on your back

20 reps

2- 3 x a day if pain free

This exercise can be done standing up or lying on your back, whichever you prefer. Keeping the leg straight - no bend in the knee - lift your leg as far as is comfortable, hold for 3 seconds and then lower gently.

Static quads contraction

Sitting up in bed

2 x 20 reps

2-3 x a day

You can do this exercise sitting up in bed. Straighten your leg in front of you, then tense the thigh muscles – you should feel your knee pushing down into the bed. Hold for 3 seconds and relax.

Side-lying hip abduction


2 x 20 Reps each side

3 x a day

Lie on your side, with your legs straight and a pillow or cushion between your feet - your injured leg should be on top. Now tighten the muscles in the front of your thigh and lift the leg 9-10 inches off the cushion. Pause, and gently lower back down.

Prone Knee Hangs


Hold the position for 20 seconds

2-3 x a day

Lie on your front with your lower leg hanging off the bed. The edge of the bed should be just above your knee. Relax into this position letting your knee straighten as much as is comfortable. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Prone Hamstring curl unloaded


2 x 20 reps each side

3 x a day

Lie on your front on the bed. Bend your leg at the knee, using your hamstring muscles to pull your heel towards your buttock, then release and lower the leg back to the bed.

Goals at 6 weeks

  • Protect the meniscus repair (staying in brace and non-weight bearing)

  • Minimise swelling

  • Improve muscle memory and contraction in quadriceps

  • Gain full extension

If you can achieve the goals above then you can move onto the next stage. If not then repeat this stage.

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