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Post-Op Physiotherapy Stage 4
Updated over 2 years ago

Timing 13-14 weeks after surgery

This is only for group 1 – Active sporting lifestyle (20-40 yrs old). If you pursued an active lifestyle prior to the ACL injury and want to recover back to the same levels of fitness or participate in a sport as before then you will need to follow Stages 4 & 5 of the rehab programme so that your rehab will continue until 4 months post operation

The below exercises should be done at a gym using hand weights and equipment where required. Please ensure you have approximately 30 seconds rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between exercises. Exercises should be performed 3 times a week.

Weighted Squats

Weighted barbell

3 x 8 reps

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Start with a barbell on your back, resting across the shoulders. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Bending through the hips and knees sit back as if you are sitting down onto a chair. Once you reach ninety degrees push through your heels and exhale as you return to the start position.

Weighted lunges

Weighted dumbbell

3 x 8 reps each side

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Stand with your feet together, and a dumbbell in each hand. Step one foot back into a lunge stance. With your weight in the front foot and keeping your torso upright, lower your body until both knees are at a 90-degree angle. Pause and drive through the front foot to return to the start position.

Weighted single leg deadlift

Weighted dumbbell

3 x 8 reps each side

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Stand on one leg, with a weight in the opposite hand. Soften the knee slightly. Engage the stomach muscles and hinge forward from the hip. Let the arms hang down and try not to bend the standing leg any further. Let the unweighted leg raise up behind you to help maintain your balance. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, push the hips forward to stand back up.

Weighted single leg calf raises

Weighted dumbbell

3 x 12 reps each side

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Stand on a box or step with one foot, and a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Your heel should be off the edge of the step. The other foot should be lifted so all your weight is on one leg. Lift up onto the toes of the standing foot as high as you can. Pause, then lower back down until your heel is slightly lower than the step.

Weighted split squat

Weighted dumbbell

3 x 8 reps

1 x a day (3 x a week)

With a dumbbell in each hand, stand in front of a chair or couch, with the feet together. Step one foot back behind you and up onto it. With your weight on the front heel and keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your front knee is at a 90-degree angle. Pause and drive through the front foot to return to the start position.


With or without a skipping rope

3 x 45 seconds

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Stand with your feet a shoulder-width apart. Soften the knees and bounce up and down on your toes, as if you were skipping. Don’t jump too high - your feet should only just clear the ground. Use a skipping rope if you like - and have the coordination!

Squat Jumps

Gym floor

3 x 12 reps

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Stand with your feet a shoulder-width apart. Squat down, bending the knees to 90 degrees, then jump up so that your feet leave the ground. Keep a slight bend in the knees and aim to land as softly as possible, dropping back down into the squat.

Straight line jogging

With or without a treadmill

2 mins jog – 1min walk & repeat 5 times

1 x a day (3 x a week)

Jog for 2 minutes at a medium pace and then walk for 1 minute and repeat 5 times. As you should be on flat ground and going in a straight line you can do this on a treadmill - or outside if you prefer.

Goals at 14 weeks

Progress at this stage should be monitored by controlled tests undertaken by a Physiotherapist. Please book your physio appointment either in person or virtually through the App.

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