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How do I submit a reading with a Bluetooth meter?
Updated over a week ago

Step 1

Take a blood glucose reading as shown by your clinician.

Step 2

Open the app, tap on the + button on the hub page.

Ensure that your meter is set up with the app.

Tap on Take BG reading.

Step 3

Ensure your meter is turned on and then click Scan.

Step 4

Your newest reading will come through on the enter BG reading page:

Step 5

Select the meal type associated with the reading. If a reading is before a meal, you may be asked about the medication you have taken.

Type in the dose of the medication and tap Next.

NOTE: If you are not on medication, please proceed to Step7.

Step 6

If you have not inputted a dose for a medication you will get an Input required warning.

Please review your dose and type in
a number. If you have not taken your medication then please enter 0.

Step 7

If you want to tell your diabetes care team something about your reading then please type this information into the Comment

screen and then submit.

Step 8

Your reading will then appear on your diary and graph screens

NOTE: If you started to enter a new reading unintentionally, tap the Cancel button.

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