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GDm-Health Basics
Updated over a week ago

The GDm-Health app is designed to allow patients with gestational diabetes to record their blood glucose levels and communicate this to the team responsible for delivering care.

How do I download the app?

GDm-Health is an app available for both iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) operating systems.It can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It is designed to be accessed from a mobile phone only (i.e. it is not designed for tablet access).

What does the app do?

The GDm-Health app records your blood glucose levels. You can enter blood glucose levels in 2 ways:

  • By connecting to a blood glucose meter that you have set up with the app.

  • By entering a value manually.

Additionally, you can record more data with the reading:

  • What time of day the reading was for e.g. before breakfast or after lunch.

  • What medications you took

  • Any comments that you think will be helpful to your diabetes care team.

The app sends all this information to your diabetes care team. Your care team will look at the data and contact you if they need to.

How do I know if GDm-Health has been properly installed?

On first opening the app you will be shown a quick overview of the app. You will then be presented with articles about gestational diabetes and be asked for an activation code. If this does not happen then please contact your diabetes care team. Please note, there is no maintenance or calibration needed for the safe use of this software.

How much does the app cost?

The app is free for all patients to use.

Can GDm-Health provide a patient diagnosis?

GDm-Health is not a diagnostic tool and cannot provide a patient diagnosis. However, information communicated through the GDm-Health app may inform diagnostic decisions that are ultimately the sole responsibility of the qualified physician using the platform.

Where does the clinical information in the articles and links come from?

The information is written by a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology who manages gestational diabetes. The external links included in the articles have been signed off by a doctor who manages gestational diabetes and comes from trusted sources with accurate clinical content. However, we do not monitor the pages regularly, and if there are changes or inaccurate information then we do not take responsibility for this.

Do I need to set up a meter in the app?

Your diabetes care team will tell you the best way to record blood glucose readings. If you are using your own meter, you can enter readings by typing in the blood glucose level manually.

What happens when my record is closed?

You will not be able to send any blood glucose readings when your record is closed. You will not be able to request callbacks.
You will be able to still see your readings diary and your old messages.

Who can see my data?

Huma may have access to anonymous non-personal data generated in connection with the GDm-Health App. This data is only used for medical research purposes or for product improvement. Your data is shared with the health care team who provide your care. Only authorised people are allowed to see your data.

The data that they hold includes:

  • Data about you and your pregnancy e.g. name, hospital number, due date etc.

  • Data about your diabetes e.g. diagnosis date

  • Data about your blood glucose: this will include all the readings you have sent

  • Data about your callback requests

  • Data about your delivery e.g. how many days you stayed in hospital

When your record is closed you may be asked to complete a feedback survey. Your diabetes care team will never see your personal answers. Your diabetes care team only ever see reports combining lots of answers without any identifiable information.

We will never contact you directly or market anything to you.

How do you protect my data?

We protect your data in a number of ways:

  1. Huma conform to data protection legislation.

  2. All data is encrypted at all times (whether at rest or in transit)

  3. Patient Identifiable Data i.e. data which can identify you as an individual is kept separate to Operation Data such as your blood glucose readings.

  4. We continuously monitor the solution to protect against any data breaches.

  5. Only authorised users are allowed to use to the website application. Users are authorised
    by the Hospital.

Who can I contact with questions about my data?

You should contact your hospital and care team initially. If you have any questions for Huma, please contact our dedicated data protection officer by sending an email to

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