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Business Matching
Adrian Czyczerski avatar
Written by Adrian Czyczerski
Updated over a week ago

Business Matching - business meetings

Business Matching - business meetings

Business Matching is a very extensive component that allows you to create business meetings during conferences. Add the Business Matching component in the panel and start its configuration by choosing the type of Business Matching from the available: Free Ride, Semi Ride and Strict Ride.

Types of Business Matching

The Meeting Application allows you to conduct business meetings in 3 modes:

  1. Free Ride – just choose this type in the panel, do not create sessions and do not complete anything, in this way you will give complete freedom to arrange meetings between users in the application. Users will be able to enter any meeting data in the application by selecting the Custom option.
    However, if you want users of the application to use time periods and designated places that are convenient for you, create Business Matching sessions in the panel and complete them. The application will show users available time slots and places.

  2. Semi Ride – enables meetings between application users only within the time frames specified by the administrator. In order to enable the appointment of meetings by application users, in the administrative panel you should specify the conditions on which these meetings take place, creating Business Matching sessions. Application users will choose the meeting time and place by choosing one of the proposals created on the basis of the conditions set in the administrative panel.

  3. Strict Ride – Users cannot create meetings between themselves in the application. Meetings are arranged only by the administrator.

Creating appointments by the Administrator

In any Business Matching type, it is possible to arrange meetings between event members, by administrators. To create a new meeting, go to Application -> Business Matching and select “+” in the bottom right corner of the screen. In the form displayed by the system, complete all required fields specifying the time, place and meeting participants. Users are selected on the basis of a list of guests logged in to the application or imported to it through the administration panel. The saved meeting will be visible in the administration panel.

Only the Strict Ride type blocks the ability to reschedule or delete a meeting (reschedule/cancel) by users in the application.

Creating a session in Business Matching

You must first add days by clicking the “+” button located at the top of the component. If the days have already been added to the Agenda component, they will already be visible in the Business Matching component and vice versa (the days in both components are common). The next step is to create a session that specifies the meeting conditions by the administrator so that the component works correctly.

To add a session in the Business Matching component, press “+” in the bottom right corner, or hover the cursor over any time interval and click “+ Add Session”. Before saving, name the session and fill in all required fields marked with “*”. Select the day, session time interval and meeting duration. Remember that you can create several sessions in one day.

Selection of the session location is done by adding “Agenda Place” tags. Several places can be added in one session. Users of the application from the list you have created will select the time and indicate the place where they want to meet the other person when sending the invitation. Remember to indicate places that will be convenient for users, such as a cafe, meeting room, or training room.

If you decide to set the duration of appointments, select the appropriate value from the drop-down list in the “Each Session Period” field – you decide how long the meeting will last.

Business Matching from the user's point of view

After adding a session to the component, you allow users to schedule business meetings in the Business Matching component. Users after joining the event should set their availability time so that the application prompts other guests who want to send an invitation convenient meeting times.

The sent invitation will be displayed on the invited person’s phone as a PUSH notification and will be visible in the Business Matching component in the pending section. From here, users can accept, reject or postpone the meeting.

Accepted meetings are saved in the component and are visible on the agenda in the “my plan” section.

Video meeting in Business Matching

The additional option of creating Video meetings between conference users is available in all types of Business Matching in the mobile application version. After arranging a meeting by users, a link to the video call is automatically generated, which is available on the invitation under the camera icon. After entering the link at a specified time, both users will see and hear each other. In addition, the application supports push notifications regarding joining callers online.

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