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Quizzes & Surveys
Marek Kowalik avatar
Written by Marek Kowalik
Updated over a week ago

Quizzes and Surveys - how to use them?

What is the difference between a Quiz and a Survey?

Quizzes are a form of fun, gamification or knowledge testing that will make your event even more engaging, and the opportunity to collect points and competition will encourage guests to actively participate.

Surveys are a good way to survey opinions or collect quantitative and qualitative materials depending on the chosen method, which can be used to run statistical studies.

The survey is used to collect feedback from the participants of the event, so you can see which elements of the organization of your event the participants liked, and which need improvement.


When creating a survey or quiz, remember that saved questions cannot be edited during the Quiz/Survey. Making changes to the questions will permanently delete the results collected so far.

Creating surveys

If you want to create a survey, go to the Surveys/Quizzes module and press (+) Add your first survey or quiz and fill in all the required fields, which are marked with a star (*) in the drop-down form.

Give your survey a catchy name that will encourage users to fill it out. Then, in the Published field, select whether you want to publish your survey immediately or not. This is the only field that can be edited during the survey. You can safely uncover and cover surveys during the event, which will not affect the results collected so far:

Asking questions in surveys

When creating a survey, you can add closed (single or multiple choice) and open questions in the Question field. The order of the added questions and answers can be changed by grabbing the question in the left corner and swiping up or down:

On the right side of the screen is a red basket icon, which when pressed will delete one of the answers. When you want to delete the entire question, select the Remove Question button. When you want to add another question for the same survey, select Add Question.

Creating Quizzes

If you want to create a quiz, activate Enable Quiz Mode. When it is activated, a new checkbox Visible Results is unlocked, where you choose whether the results will be visible to users immediately after taking the quiz, or do you want to keep them for yourself. To show the result to the user, select Yes In the next column in the Published section, select if your quiz should be visible now:

Creating questions in quizzes

Questions in quizzes can only take the form of closed questions. They can be either single-choice or multiple-choice questions. Select the type of question from the drop-down list on the right. One quiz can contain both single-choice and multiple-choice questions.

Remember to mark the correct answers in the quizzes: for single-choice questions one answer, for multiple-choice questions a minimum of two correct answers.

By using the Surveys/Quizzes module, you are able to test the knowledge of event participants, prepare a game sponsored by a partner of your event, or take a knowledge test after a day-long workshop rewarding the best listeners.

Visibility of surveys and quizzes for users

Surveys and quizzes can be published immediately or discovered gradually over the time of your event. To publish and hide surveys/quizzes change the values in the Published field. If you want to hide the entire module in the Application, go to the sidebar on the left, press the multi-dot and select the Hide Component button:

You can conduct a survey or quiz in a group of system users of your choice. For example, there is a workshop at your conference and if you want the respondents of the survey to be only the people who attend the workshop, you can assign these people to the Workshop group at the beginning. To do this, use this article. If you want to add a specific audience group for which the Quiz will be visible, press the multi-dot on the right side of the component and select the Choose User Group button. In the newly opened window, click the Choose user group tag button and select the tag from the drop-down list of tags. Remember to remove the All Users tag, which is added automatically by the system, at the same time:

Visibility of results

The results from quizzes and surveys are collected by the system and shared in real-time in visual form on external pages. If you want to view your quiz data, in the administration panel, go to the Manage section and then select the Surveys/Quizzes label in the side menu. All your quizzes will show up on the screen:

To get the results click on one of them. If you want to view the results on the big screen, copy the link and paste it into your browser:

For surveys with closed questions, the results show quantitative data and the percentage of received answers. Additionally, when an open-ended answer option has been added to a question, it is shown below. For quizzes, the result shows as a list.

In the Survey & Quizzes module it is possible to export the answers of each survey and quiz. The data can be downloaded as a csv file. From Manage>Survey & Quizzes>Edit Survey through the Export function, marked by a cloud icon with a downward arrow. Press the export button and download the data:

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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