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Agenda of your event
Marek Kowalik avatar
Written by Marek Kowalik
Updated over a week ago

How to create an event schedule?

Agenda - keeping the program up-to-date

Agenda is one of the most frequently viewed screens in event Applications. With Meeting Application you will make sure that the information in the Agenda is always up-to-date - all the changes made to it show up in real time.

A properly completed Agenda provides all information about the events happening during the conference. By pressing +, next to a specific session, the application user can create his/her own schedule, by adding interested sessions to the My Schedule tab. The list of users assigned to a specific session is visible in the Landing Page and in the Application. This function makes it easier for the user to manage his/her schedule, while the organizer is able to estimate in advance which events are most popular:


Before completing the Agenda module, make sure that the correct time zone is specified in the primary settings, in the Basic info section - setting it correctly ensures that the sessions are displayed correctly in the agenda.

Adding days in the Agenda module

To add a day in the Agenda, press the + located at the top of the module and select the appropriate day from the calendar. Days on which no session is scheduled will not be visible in the mobile application:

Adding multiple Agenda modules

If your event has more than one agenda, you can add an Agenda module several times in the Create tab, under Components, naming each one accordingly:


All added Agenda modules are visible in one common module in the Application and on the Landing Page. You need to select a specific agenda from the drop-down list:

For Dedicated Applications, it is possible to separate all agendas into separate modules.

Adding a session in the agenda

To add a session in the agenda, press the + located in the lower right corner, or run the cursor on any time slot and click (+) Add session. All fields marked with a star must be filled in before saving:


Entering a session in the agenda is possible only after creating tags for the venue (Agenda Places) and event type (Agenda Path) such as lecture, workshop or discussion. This allows event attendees to filter sessions from the App and Landing Page.

You can create these tags in the Tag Database module, or when creating a session by clicking on the label shown next to the Choose Place Tag and Choose Path Tag.

Nested sessions

If your event has a session block with several shorter performances, you can add them as nested sessions. Add all sessions first, then go to edit the main session and nest the sub-sessions into it. To do this, in the Nested Sessions field, select the previously created sessions that will be nested from the drop-down list:

Personalizing the agenda view

Personalization of the agenda view is made by adding the group tag User Groups to the module. We can assign the entire Agenda module or its individual sessions to specific user groups, previously specified in the Tag Database section.

By using tags, you can show individual sessions from your event's agenda to specific groups of system users, for example, enabling workshop registration for people who bought a special ticket or showing a unique agenda to VIP group participants.

This option ensures that every attendee of your event sees exactly the agenda that they should.

To add a tag, assigned to a specific session, click the label icon in the upper right corner:

Adding an online streaming session

In the Add Session tab, you can add a link to a live stream of your event, a link to an online webinar or meeting on Zoom or another platform. In the Video Streaming Link space, paste the appropriate link:

Attendees of your event can join the online meeting by clicking the Join button on the Landing Page or the TV icon in the App:

Adding tickets to a session

If some points of the event, such as lectures or workshops, have a limited number of seats and it is mandatory to reserve a seat for a participant in advance, put this information on the agenda by adding an attendance ticket. A participant who wants to attend such an event point will need to book an attendance ticket. To add a reservation option for a session, click the multi-dot next to the session title and then Edit Session. In edit, click (+) Add ticket, enter the name of the ticket and the number of available seats:

Registration for a limited session results in the assignment of a seat reservation ticket, which allows the organizers, through the Check-in module, to check at the entrance for the specific validity of the participant's ticket.

Adding speakers to a session

Before adding speakers to the agenda, complete the Speakers module. Once this module is completed, return to the Agenda module and in the Speaker field, select the appropriate items from the drop-down list. You can also add a speaker while adding a session by clicking Create Speaker. After completing and saving the information, you will be redirected back to creating the session you started earlier:

Additional materials for participants

For each session in the agenda there is an option to add additional materials. These can be abstracts, presentations or offers in the form of added files, or links, such as to a blog thematically related to the session:

The inserted file should be compressed losslessly to reduce its size before attachment. Preferred PDF file format.

Importing data into an agenda

Data import can be performed for single and multilingual agenda. A separate csv file should be prepared for each language version. It is not required to fill in any additional information before importing. You can find guidelines for importing an agenda in the article: Import data to Agenda module.

Questions for speakers in actual time

In the Agenda module, under the Manage tab, you can change the settings of specific sessions. Click the session you want to manage, and a menu with additional features will appear. Normally, the menu appears on the right side, but if you don't see it look at the very bottom of the screen - this is due to individual browser screen resolution settings.

If you want session participants to be able to ask questions of the speakers, move the Question for Speaker slider to the right:

Asked questions will show up in real time in your event's App in the Agenda details. Click on a specific session, then go to the Questions tab:

You can also see the questions asked on the Landing Page. Select the session you are interested in and click the Questions for the speaker button.

Each session has its own individual link to an external page where you can see the questions asked. Segregation of questions, both in the App and on the Landing Page, is done in two ways - the most liked questions and the newly asked questions.

Participants can like other people's questions, and in this way the App will move the most popular questions to the top of the page.

As the event administrator, you also have the option to delete individual questions if you find any of them inappropriate to the topic. In the Manage section of the Agenda module, click on the desired session and scroll to the very bottom of the page. Next to a specific question, press the multi-dot, and then delete the question:


Event attendees can rate selected sessions through the App. An extensive feedback tool allows you to collect feedback on any topic:

To collect feedback, create your own questions in the Agenda module. These questions will be activated automatically with identical questions for each session in the agenda by default. To disable the ability to rate sessions for the entire agenda, uncheck the Feedback option at the top of the module. To disable rating options only for selected items, go into its details and here choose to disable Feedback:

While you are in the Agenda module, add feedback questions by selecting the New feedback question button. In the administration panel you can create 3 types of such questions:

  • Closed - closed and multiple-choice questions. Add the question and possible answers. Available answers will show in the application as buttons to choose from.

  • Open - open questions, allow users to enter a text answer.

  • Stars - closed questions, which users can answer by selecting the number of stars from 1 to 5:

Export questions and session results from the Agenda

In the Agenda module it is possible to export the session rating, discussion and the list of session participants. The data can be downloaded as a csv file. Both from Create > Content > Agenda and Manage > Agenda, through the Export Opinions, Questions and Participants function, marked by a cloud icon with a downward arrow. Press the export button and select what you want to download:

  • Questions - the file will export all questions asked by users during the conference. The export will contain full information: to which session, by whom and at what time the question was asked, as well as number of likes.

  • Feedback - export feedback about the session. The exported file contains quantitative as well as qualitative results of the feedback: the number of stars, the choice of answers to the additional question, and comments.

  • Attendees - the exported file contains a list of participants of the selected session:

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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