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Engagement Reports

Custom PDF reports for polling, brainstorming, Q&A, Selfies and more

Emily Zaehring avatar
Written by Emily Zaehring
Updated over 2 months ago

The Engagement Report offers comprehensive data and valuable insights, allowing you to assess the outcomes of your meetings and engagement levels of your attendees. You can easily share customized report views with your teammates and key stakeholders, for more informed decision-making and team alignment.

Tip: The Report button is available during in-progress meetings so you can check out the engagement reports without ending your meeting. 

Navigate to the Report

You can navigate to a meeting's report directly from the Meeting Dashboard, or from within the sidebar in Presenter View.

Engagement Summary

Entering the Report, you can see a summary of the whole meeting. Here you can see what portion of the audience voted, asked questions or posted ideas. You can compare this with the overall engagement to see if a few people are very engaged or if everyone is slightly engaged. Once you navigate through the report, there will be an additional summary for each module used.

Download attendee data for the meeting through the Summary section’s CSV downloads.

You also have the option to change the audience size, which will effect the percentages in the report statistics. Do this by clicking "Settings" in the upper right hand corner of the report.

If you know your meeting actually had 200 people attend, but only 100 opened MeetingPulse, set the “attendees in the room” to 200. The engagement stats will be recalculated with an audience size of 200 for a more accurate picture of engagement.

Configuring your report

The visualizations in the report are fully customizable, offering the flexibility to include only what you need for printing, downloading, or sharing. You can easily hide or remove specific sections or pages, adjust chart styles, and make other modifications directly within the report.

Configure summary

By clicking the settings icon "Configure visualization" you can edit which stats will be included in the Summary page. You can also choose to hide the summary page entirely. You can configure what is included in the summary slide for each module.

Configure poll visualizations

By clicking the settings icon "Configure visualization" from a poll, the configuration panel will open directly to the configuration of the desired poll.

Here, you can edit the chart type, the way results are displayed (# or %) and also the number of results per page.

Selecting the number of results per page allows you to better control the visualization of your data/ For example, if you change the chart above to be 4 results per page, it results in 2 pages of 4 results. This can make your results easier to read.

Within the configuration panel, you can continue to open the polls and edit the visualizations, or you can choose to navigate from the poll directly.

Downloading Report

Downloading PDF

By design, the Engagement Report sections are broken up in the size of PDFs. When you download or print the report, it will look exactly like the pages of the report.

For example, to download the entire report, click Print / Save PDF in the upper right corner of the report.

In the print preview, you can see the report formatted in the exact way that you configured it.

Download meeting data

Download results per module

You can download CSVs for Q&A, Brainstorms, Polls and more. ​Download the results of a module by clicking the download icon on the module summary. Here is an example of downloading Poll results.

In Polls, you can select to download the results in 3 different formats:

Results by attendee:

The first columns are the attendee names and ID, and the following columns reflect their poll answers.

Results and timestamps by attendee:

The first columns are the attendee names and ID, and the following columns reflect their poll answers and the time they were submitted.

Results and timestamps by response options:

The first column is the response option and the following columns reflect the way attendees answered them.

Although downloading the PDF should provide a clear visualization of the data, in Polls, you can also Click Print-Friendly Results for a different view.

Broadcast View

Finally, click See Broadcast View to open the Broadcast View of the poll in a new tab and see the chart larger.

Timeline and Participants

Finally, you can access the interactive Timeline graph through the Timeline and Participants button at the bottom of the module list.

There you can also export Pulse data and download at individual poll responses.

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