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🔔 How to use jamie’s mic-based reminder?
🔔 How to use jamie’s mic-based reminder?

Are you sometimes forgetting to start jamie before a meeting? Then the mic-based reminder is the right feature for you.

Leo Wendler avatar
Written by Leo Wendler
Updated over a week ago

Remembering to start jamie before your meeting can be quite frustrating. That's why we have included a mic-based reminder to ensure you never miss any meeting summaries again!

Note: This feature is currently only available to macOS users. However, we are working on making it available to Windows users soon.

How does it work?

Whenever you enter a virtual meeting, jamie will recognize that your microphone is used and will send you a reminder to start a summary.

If you click on the "Start meeting" button, jamie will automatically start recording.

How to enable mic-based reminders?

Mic-based reminders are automatically turned on by default, eliminating the need for a separate setup.

However, if you initially deactivated mic-based reminders after signing up for jamie, here are the instructions for setting them up again:

  1. Head to Settings

  2. Click on Preferences

  3. Notifications

  4. Enable "Notify when mic is used"

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