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Custom ingredients
Custom ingredients

Custom ingredients can be reused in all your recipes and include your desired ingredient name, aisle and nutritional data

Updated over 3 months ago

Ingredients are added to recipes from either our standard database, or from custom ingredients you add to your app. Once created, custom ingredients are available for use just like those from the standard database.


  • You would like to use the nutritional data provided for an ingredient, but you prefer an alternate name

  • Your app is non-English and you'd like to reuse ingredients you create

  • You would like to override the nutritional data points


  • Ingredient name

  • Quantity

  • Unit of measure

  • Aisle

  • Nutrient values

A custom ingredient will be reused if its unit of measure is compatible with your target unit of measure at the time of adding to a recipe. For example, if you create a custom ingredient of 1 lb special apple, it will be used if you attempt to add 1/2 oz special apple. However if you attempt to add 2 slice special apple a new custom ingredient will be added as the nutritional values could not be accurate determined.

Adding custom ingredients in a recipe

When creating an individual ingredient in a recipe (not via the bulk insert) a custom ingredient may be created.

Custom ingredient based on an existing ingredient

Search for the existing ingredient (custom or standard)

You can then give your custom ingredient a new name

Once you provide the quantity and unit of measure, the app will attempt to retrieve the nutritional information based on the ingredient name (not the custom ingredient name.)

The Aisle, as well as nutrient values may all be modified to your liking. All of these values will be store as a new custom ingredient. Because you are doing this within a recipe, the ingredient will also be added to your recipe.

If you choose to edit a custom ingredient from within a recipe, it will only be modified in the recipe. To make changes to the custom ingredient itself, see below.

Custom ingredient from scratch

You can also create an ingredient from scratch and provide all the data points yourself. Simply provide an ingredient name that does not match any item from the provided list.

Same as before, this custom ingredient will be saved for future use as well as added to the recipe you are working on.

Modifying custom ingredients

App station > Settings > Ingredients

In App station you can add, modify and delete custom ingredients. Changes you make will NOT be reflected in existing recipes, the changes will be applied when you add the custom ingredient in the future.

You will have a list of custom ingredients that you can search. Custom ingredients are stored by the unit of measure, so you may have duplicate ingredient names. Be careful to modify the desired unit of measure.

Adding a new custom ingredient is the same as covered above.

Editing a custom ingredient, gives you the ability to change any of its data points. When doing this, the app does not attempt to recalculate nutrition so be sure to update those values if you change the quantity of unit of measure. Modifying a custom ingredient does NOT modify that ingredient on existing recipes.

Deleting a custom ingredient will remove it completely, but it will NOT remove it from existing recipes.

Bulk inserts

When bulk inserting ingredients to a recipe, custom ingredients are NOT created. However previously created custom ingredients may be included in the bulk insert and will be used.

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