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How to Set-Up & Use Your Account's Welcome Area

Step-by-step guide to setting up and using your Welcome Area. Video walkthrough included.

Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over 9 months ago

This video walk-thru shows you how to set up your welcome area inside MV.

Use the timestamps provided for the core areas that you can jump to which saves you time.

Included are some examples of our members MV welcome areas to inspire you.

Below the video, you will find a step-by-step text and image guide to setting up and using your welcome area.


03:12 Welcome Area Title Walkthrough
03:27 Welcome Area Text area + Features
03:55 Welcome Area Text area + Links
04:35 The Media Area / Welcome Area / Video, text, gifs
05:05 Uploading a GIF to media area (how to)
05:32 Expanding welcome area (with no media)
05:48 Using Buttons in welcome Area
07:00 Strategies for your welcome area
08:38 Example 1 - No media, no buttons, just text
09:28 Example 2 - Image, emojis, buttons, colored text 10:30 Example 3 - Text, picture, Link, 2 buttons
12:15 Example 4 - Spanish site, translation, + Video
14:20 How to find the welcome area settings + setup
15:45 The Welcome area setup and guide through
24:45 User question & answers "why should you have a welcome area if you have a website?"

Your account's 'Welcome Area' is a powerful way to introduce yourself and your business to those visiting your MV site for the first time.

Your people can choose to collapse or expand the 'Welcome Area' at their discretion.

How to Set-Up Your Welcome Area:

  1. Click the 'Appearance' option in your navigation menu and then select 'Welcome Area'.

2. Add your Welcome Title(this will appear in larger, bold font as in the example above) followed by your Welcome Text (the main content of your 'Welcome Area').

3. Next, add an image (even a GIF) or video to the Welcome Media area:

For the Image Size, we recommend using something between 1280px - 2000px wide.

As for image height - that's really up to you.

The image height will affect how much space your Welcome Area takes up.

In general, it's best to make your Welcome Area visible "above the fold", which means your visitors can see the whole thing without scrolling down.

It's best to Preview your changes on both desktop and mobile to make sure your visitors can easily find the Buttons at first glance.

If you'd prefer not to add any media to your 'Welcome Area', just skip this setting.

When there is no media included in the 'Welcome Area', the system will automatically center your written message on the screen as shown here:

4. Finally, if you'd like clickable buttons included in your welcome area, complete the fields for the Primary & Secondary buttons.

The Primary Button is intended to lead to a specific product in your account.

In the text field, add the copy you want to appear on the button. Then select which product you want that button to lead to.

When clicked, it will direct the person to that product's main page where they can subscribe/purchase.

The Secondary Button is more flexible and can either lead to an external link (for example, a specific page on your website) or you can link it to another product within your MV site using that product's link.

Complete both fields for the button to be functional.

Don't want the buttons to appear at all? No worries.

Just leave the button text fields and location/URL fields empty for both buttons or even just one.

5. If you've chosen to have buttons included in your 'Welcome Area', the final step is to set the branding of these buttons.

The Primary Button will display the exact branding set by these color fields and the Secondary Button will be an inverse of these settings.

6. Once you've addressed all of the settings for your 'Welcome Area', you'll want to adjust the Show Welcome Area setting at the top of the page to 'yes'.

Even with all of the content completed, your 'Welcome Area' will not show if this setting is still set to 'no'.

Woohoo! 🎉 That's it - you've set up your Welcome Area.

*NOTE* - The background color & text color for the Welcome Area is connected to your Header settings under the 'Branding' area. If you notice that your text is not appearing in your Welcome Area, please make sure that you do not have the Header Text & Header Background settings set to the same color. This will cause your Welcome Area (and Header Text) to appear as if it were missing.

Ideas on How to Best Utilize Your 'Welcome Area':

  • WELCOME TITLE - A friendly, short greeting! Consider emoji use if it fits.

  • WELCOME TEXT - Your tagline, context around the product you chose for the (below) primary button, and a call to action leading into the primary button.

  • WELCOME MEDIA (PICTURE/VIDEO) - Ideally a picture of you, or a welcome video...but let's face it, a lot of us don't have that ready yet. So, know that a gif works great there till you have something better. 🤣 OR you can choose to not have a welcome media.

  • PRIMARY BUTTON - This is a dropdown option for your products, so be thinking about your signature opt-in or freebie for this one. This is perfect for focusing on list growth and driving visitors to your most ideal 'place to start'.

  • SECONDARY BUTTON - This can be a link to anything but we recommend it to be a link to a teaser module (preferably on the product you chose for the primary button).

🌟 You may also find these helpful:

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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