Zapier is a great way to integrate your MV Site with other tools that you use to support your business.
While our Zapier app is still noted as being in 'Beta', please know that it was actually an invite-only app for more than 2 years before becoming a public app. So don't let the 'beta' reference fool you - our members have been using our Zapier app successfully for quite some time now.
Add our Zapier app to your Zapier account:
If you are brand new to using Zapier, please take the time to familiarize yourself with their platform and how to create "Zaps" between different apps.
With our Zapier App you can:
add someone to your MV Site & products from an external platform such as FloDesk or ClickFunnels
remove someone's access to a product in your MV Site
add someone to one of your other tools when they are added to a specific product in your MV Site (for example, updating your email list in Constant Contact when a new person joins one of your products in MV)
For more specific step-by-step instructions on how to use our Zapier App go to Integrations > Advanced > Zapier from your Admin dashboard.
Please note: Zaps set-up in Zapier that use the MV trigger 'added to product' will not activate when the user is added manually, by the 'add user to product' action, by webhook, or by CSV import to the product. This is an intentional precaution to avoid trigger undesired external processes when users are manually added to your product.
βQuestions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).