This is a free sales page template available inside of your MV account.
Access it by logging into your admin (your subdomain/admin...if you're not sure, you can look up your account here) > content > pages > add page.
You'll be prompted to name your page first (don't worry, you can easily change it later). Click "add page".
Scroll down to Page Content, select the page template you want to use and then click "Use Template".
The template will pull into the edit screen and you'll be able to edit, add or delete the block builder widgets. Curious what other widgets we have planned for the block builder? Learn more here.
Here's what the page template will look like when you import it.
You can update the copy, images, and background colors to make it your own!
Note: to make the page private while you're building it, you can choose page status "inactive" or "invisible" in the page settings. We prefer to use the invisible setting as it will allow you to easily preview the page, and the only people who will be able to see it are those you've shared the page with.
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Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).