There are two ways to add applications manually to a job: individually and in bulk.
Add applications individually to a job
To add applications individually to a job, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Open the relevant job on the Mercu portal
Step 2: Click on 'Add Candidates' in the job's side nav
Step 3: Select 'Add Individually' from the pop-up modal
Step 4: Enter the candidate's first name, last name, and phone number. Mercu auto-populates the target job stage; however, you can change this via the dropdown.
Step 5: Click on 'Add Candidate' to manually add the candidate.
You can click on the 'Add Another' button to add multiple candidates in one go via this pop-up modal. We recommend that you don't do this for more than ten candidates in one go.
Add applications in bulk to a job
To add applications individually to a job, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Open the relevant job on the Mercu portal
Step 2: Click on 'Add Candidates' in the job's side nav
Step 3: Select 'Bulk upload' from the pop-up modal
Step 4: You can either upload a csv, xls or xlsx file OR manually copy and paste a spreadsheet into the uploader.
If you copy and paste data into the uploader, please make sure to select a valid delimiter from the dropdown (e.g. Tab). Otherwise, the field mapping won't work.
Note: The bulk uploader currently supports only the following columns. All of these columns must be included in the uploaded file or pasted data:
First name
Last name
Phone number (including country code; e.g., +6593976164)
Target job stage (1 = first job stage, 2 = second job stage, etc.)
Step 5: Map the uploaded data to the relevant fields in Mercu.
Step 6: Validate the data and submit it for upload. You will be informed of the upload outcome via the UI.
If you face any problems or errors, please reach out to us via Intercom for help.