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Enrolment Nudging

This article explains the frequency and cadence of nudge messages that goes with each enrolment.

Jascha avatar
Written by Jascha
Updated over a week ago

Nudges refer to automatic messages that Mercu sends to your team members when they are enrolled in a campaign. These messages come at no extra cost to you.

These nudges are designed to remind your team members of any outstanding enrolments and increase the completion rate of your campaigns.

Nudging Cadence

The frequency of nudges are sent based on the type of campaign sent as well as the configuration of your Mercu account.

Once your team members complete an enrolment, they will no longer receive the nudges associated with that campaign's nudging cycle.

Non-Hybrid Enrolments

Non-hybrid enrolments (i.e. enrolments that are delivered fully on WhatsApp) receive nudges per the following cycles after their initial enrolment is delivered.

  • 2 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 48 hours

  • 96 hours

Each enrolment will have its own associated nudging cycle, which means that if your team members have 4 campaigns concurrently active, they will receive 4 separate nudges at each stage of the nudging cycle.

Hybrid Enrolments

Nudges for Mercu accounts that are set up with Hybrid delivery are batched, meaning only one nudging cycle is triggered regardless of how many active enrolments a team member has.

There are 2 types of cycles: long-term and short-term nudging cycles.

Short-term cycle:

  • 2 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 48 hours

  • 96 hours

Long-term cycle:

  • Every 7 days for 4 weeks

If there are no active short-term nudging cycles, a new nudging cycle is started when a new enrolment is created. All nudges within the short-term cycle will be sent as long as there is at least 1 active enrolment assigned to the team member.

At the end of the short-term cycle, a long-term cycle is triggered, and a nudge message is sent T+7 days after the initial enrolment which triggered the short-term cycle is delivered.

Each new short-term nudging cycle will reset any active long-term nudging cycle.

Mercu Hire Enrolments

Mercu Hire nudging cycles follow the same logic as non-hybrid enrolments.

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