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What’s in a Methodology Box?
What’s in a Methodology Box?

What to expect when you receive your Methodology orders.

Anj avatar
Written by Anj
Updated over a week ago

You receive your Methodology orders packaged in a recyclable cardboard box. Reusable cooler bags are available to a number of delivery areas and we’re actively working on expanding this to all delivery areas.

Upon opening your box or cooler bag, you will see recyclable butcher paper used as padding for the jars.

A majority of our meals come packaged in glass jars. We will only use a recyclable plastic bento box when it is absolutely necessary. Some meal components may also come in small, recyclable plastic cups.

But don't worry! We're working hard to continue reducing plastic in our supply chain by constantly researching alternative solutions that are able to withstand transit time and optimize the presentation and freshness of the meals.

Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns.📮

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