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Top Posts

Discover your 'most liked' brand owned and user-generated Instagram posts within Miappi

Lauren Askew avatar
Written by Lauren Askew
Updated over a week ago

Miappi offers a way to let you search the 'top posts' according to Instagram's own measurements. The title of top posts seems to be awarded to posts based on how many times the posts has been engaged with (e.g. a comment) or liked.

Top posts feature offers some considerable benefits when using Miappi. Firstly you can use this filter to tune-in to the type of content that Instagram users like. You can use that knowledge to influence the content you produce. Alternatively you can just use it to guide you on what to publish to your other marketing channels. After all, if it's popular on instagram it will probably play well on your website or event etc.

Top posts are also collected historically. As standard, when you connect your Instagram account to Miappi it starts to collect content from that point onwards. It doesn't collect anything prior to that point. However, Top posts are collected from much further back, meaning you can collect and use great content from longer time period.

To begin use the Top posts filter, start in the Curate page. Select the pink 'Advanced Options' link that appears at the top of the page.

Once here, you will be able to see a range of filter icons appear. Hover over the 'Star' icon titled 'Instagram Top Posts' and toggle.

Tada! You will now be able to see Instagram's own selected number of your audiences favourite images. Select to show, or send them to a special folder to use for later.

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