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Rules Engine
Toby Britton avatar
Written by Toby Britton
Updated over a week ago

Rules gives you greater control over what content is shown on your social wall. This is a time saving feature that radically reduces manual moderation time by automatically analysing the text and sentiment of each social media post as well as any image associated with it.

Rules attempts to match the words and images within a social media post against a set of Conditions you provide. When the Rule finds a match it can automatically Show the content on your social wall, Hide the content or send the matching content to a folder for you to review at a later date.

To create and edit Rules, click Moderate on the left hand menu. In 2. Custom Rules, you can start building your Rules. Begin by clicking Create Rule.

How to Create a new Rule

On the Moderate page, click the Create Rule button and Start by giving your new rule a name. After that its time to add rule Conditions.

Rule Conditions

The Miappi Rules Engine lets you create rules based on a variety of Conditions. These Conditions apply to the text (Post Text) contained on each social media post, the Sentiment of those words (Post Sentiment) and the any image associated with the post (Post Image). You can add multiple Conditions to a single rule. If you do add multiple Conditions the post must match ALL of them to trigger the ‘On match’ action (Show, Hide or Add to Folder).

Other than Conditions there are three additional settings you can apply to your rules:

1. Apply to - Decide if you’d like this rule to apply to your social wall's Website mode only, your Display mode (used for live events), or to both modes.

2. On Match - When the rule matches 'Hide' stops the post from showing and 'Show' ensures the post is shown. N.B. If you manually show or hide a post on your Curate Page this will override any rules you have in place. A third On Match action let's you add it to an existing folder or create a new one.

3. Order - This refers to the order in which the rules are applied. Rules higher in the list take precedence over later ones. In practice, this means that after there has been a match against a post for Rule 1 action will be taken and then subsequent rules will not be applied.

N.B. Content from approved feeds (a feed with a green light beside it on the Feeds page) by-passes the Rules Engine filters. For more information about the ins and outs of approving feeds check out the 'Approved Feeds' article.

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