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Text Rules

Manage your content using Moderation Text Rules

Toby Britton avatar
Written by Toby Britton
Updated over a week ago

Text Rules gives you greater control over what content is shown on your live Miappi. This is a time saving feature that radically reduces manual moderation time by automatically analysing the text content of each social media post. Text Rules attempts to match the text within a social media post against a set of keywords you provide. When the Rule finds a match it can automatically Show the content in your Curate page, Hide the content, Exclude pieces of content or send the matching content to a folder for you to use at a later date.

To access the Text Rules, click Moderate on the left hand menu. In Custom Rules, begin by clicking Create Rule. and select Post Text.

These are the fields that you will see on the Rules  page:

Rule Name

Give a name to your new rule

Rule Conditions

The Miappi Rules Engine lets you create rules based on a variety of Conditions. These Conditions apply to the text contained on each social media post that Miappi collects from your feeds. You can add multiple Conditions to a single rule. If you do add multiple Conditions the post must match ALL of them to trigger the ‘On match’ action (Show, Hide, Exclude or Add to Folder). Let’s have a look at what these Conditions mean:

Contains Any – this Condition detects the presence of specified words or sets of words in the text. 

Quick Tip: Lists of words require each word to be separated by a comma.

Words Followed By – this Condition is useful when you want to show/hide a post that associates one set of words with another. For example, if people are talking about your brand you can use this condition to mitigate against negative comments or comparisons to competitors appearing on your social wall. Choose your word sets and then select the maximum distance (number of words) you’d like the Condition to search for matches between word sets.

Here’s an example for you:

            Word Set 1 = company1,company2,company3

            Distance = 5

            Word Set 2 = poor,rubbish,bad


This Condition will look for posts that contain terms from both word sets that are no more than 5 words either side of each other.

Hashtags Threshold as % - #Lol #Spam #Irrelevant. Stop spammers by setting the percentage of words in the text post that are hashtags. Simply type in a number 1-100 in the threshold field.

Mentions Threshold as % - @you @me @literallyanyone. This Condition works exactly the same as the Hashtag % Threshold and blocks spammers who try and drive traffic by mentioning lots of other users.

Hashtags and Mentions Threshold as % - A combination of the two Conditions above, blocking posts for which the percentage of words that are hashtags and mentions is too high (as determined by you).

Language - Match your rule to any additional language if you need to apply it to a non-English post. Miappi provide a wide variety of languages for you to apply and you'll be able to see these options by clicking on the drop-down menu. 

There are three additional settings you can apply to your rules, take a look below.

Apply to - Decide if you’d like this rule to apply to your social wall's Website mode only, your Display mode (used for live events), or to both modes.

On Match - When the rule matches 'Hide', this stops the post from showing in your Curate and 'Show' ensures the post is shown. A third On Match action let's you add it to an existing folder or create a new one. Our fourth On Match action allows you to Exclude this content from Curate and send it to the Excluded Content folder.
Quick Tip: If you manually show or hide a post on your Curate Page this will override any rules you have in place.

Order - This refers to the order in which the rules are applied. Rules labelled higher in the list for example, as order number 1, take precedence over later ones such as order numbers 2,3,4 and so on. In practice, if you wanted to exclude content before sending it to a folder in a separate rule, you would make your exclude rule order number 1 and your folder rule as order number 2 and so on.

When it comes to inserting your selection of keywords, you will need to separate these with a comma and no spacing. Our keywords are also case sensitive so please try to include as many variations as possible.
If you would like to match both the hashtag version and text post version, then please include both of these options e.g.

Word Set: Miappi,miappi,#Miappi,#miappi  
Make sure your rule is 'active' and click Save. 

You will now be able to see your rule appear below Custom Rules where you can edit and remove. 

Side Note: Once you have created your rule, this will only be applied to content in that moment and onward. If you would like to apply your rule to any and all previous content you have collected, please select the 'Recheck' option.
Be aware, due to the amount of content you have collected that this may take a few hours and your text rules engine will be shut down until this has finished.   

Content from approved feeds (a feed with a green light beside it on the Feeds page) by-passes the Rules Engine filters. For more information about the ins and outs of approving feeds check out the 'Approved Feeds' article.

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