How to get paid?

Influencer earnings process

Anastasiia Marynkina avatar
Written by Anastasiia Marynkina
Updated over a week ago

Both influencer and influencer agencies has a complete view on earnings made within campaigns. Earned amounts become visible once you and the brand have finished all campaign steps. 

Amounts are grouped by month and take into account marketplace fee and only bookings that have been finished.

The system provides invoicing details and order numbers so that the influencer or influencer agency has all the needed information in order to invoice the marketplace.

To receive the earnings the influencer has to invoice the platform from his Revenues page. Influencer is notified when the invoices are ready on a monthly basis (11th day of each month).

NB: Make sure you have filled in all details to your Billing information section. Otherwise, you can't receive the payment.

If the brand says that they paid for the provided services but you still don't see it on your Revenues page then he might have missed accepting your delivery.
Feel free to contact support to help with the payment issues. 

The payment process for Affiliate marketing campaigns works in the same way and the payment could be received after invoicing the platform at the end of the month.

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