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Hauler - Adding & Editing Route Sessions
Hauler - Adding & Editing Route Sessions
Leah Brossault avatar
Written by Leah Brossault
Updated over a week ago

Raw and Processed Milk Route Sessions

Route Sessions - for both Raw and Processed Milk - act as a folder that holds the logged Pickup(s) and Dropoff(s) associated with a Route that was run, as well as any seals. In order to add any missed Pickups/ Dropoffs, you'll need to first find the existing Route Session, or create your own Route Session.

Raw Milk Route Sessions can be created directly from your Dashboard, while Processed Milk Route Sessions can be created from the Processed Milk → Route Sessions page.

Add Route Session

If a new Route Session needs to be created, you can do so right from your Dashboard! Simply click the blue 'Add Route Session +' button.

Note: When creating a new Route Session from the Dashboard, a new LT/ Invoice number will be automatically generated. This LT/ Invoice number cannot be changed nor set to a specific number.

When creating a Route Session, you will need to enter the day the route took place (default to the Date/ Time of the Pickup), and the Route Number, Manifest, and Driver associated with the load. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

Once all mandatory fields are present, you will be able to click the black ‘Add Route Session’ button at the bottom of the screen, and you will be redirected to your new Route Session view page (this is the same page as 'Inspect Route Session').

From here, enter any Seals (CIP Vent, Top Dome, Rear Dust Cover, Pump Box, Tube End, or Tanker Cap) using the blue ‘Add Seal +’ button in the Seals section at the bottom of the page.

Add your Pickup(s) using the grey ‘+’ button in the Pickups section, and Dropoff(s) using the grey ‘+’ button in the Dropoffs section.

Once you've added your Pickup(s) and Dropoff(s), change the status of your Route to ‘Closed’ using the status field in the upper left side of the screen, just below your Route heading.

Note: Routes can only be closed once a Pickup AND Dropoff has been logged, and there is no remaining dairy to be moved.

Tip: Need a Route to appear in the 'Existing Routes' section of the Milk Moovement Driver app? Simply set the Route Status to 'Inactive' - this allows a Driver with your company to find the Route in 'Existing Routes'!

Inspect Route Session

Use the ‘Inspect Route Session’ option to be redirected to the Route Session view; from here, you will be able to view the logged Seals, Pickups, and/ or Dropoffs associated with a Route Session.

For more details on Route Session view, check out the above section!

Edit Route Session

Use the ‘Edit Route Session’ option to change the Date a route took place, a Route Number, Manifest Number, Trailer, or Driver. Select the ‘Save Route Session’ button at the bottom of the screen once all desired changes have been made.

Delete Route Session

To delete a Route Session, you will first need to ensure that there is no associated Pickup or Dropoff present; the option to Delete a Route Session will not be available if there is Pickup or Dropoff data associated with the Route Session in question.

You will be asked to confirm that you'd like a Route Session deleted prior to proceeding. It is not possible to reverse a deletion of a Route Session, so be sure this is the action you'd like to take before continuing!

Still have questions? Hit the chat button in the bottom right corner of your screen to send a message to Milk Moovement’s 24-hour support line!

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