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MIND Meetings™️

Meetings that improve the Most Important Number

Rebecca Pavel avatar
Written by Rebecca Pavel
Updated over a week ago

There are over 11 million meetings in the United States every day, and too many are unproductive. MIND Meetings optimize your team’s time together by providing the structure and support for implementing and sustaining the MIND Methodology including:

•Alignment on what is most important

•Deciding where to focus limited time and resources to create the most value

•Personal and team accountability to the end result

What you need to know

MIND Meetings

  • What is a MIND Meeting and why is it essential?

  • What are the components of a MIND Meeting?

  • How do MIND Meetings help my team create more value?

  • How do I facilitate a MIND Meeting?

Understanding the MIND Meeting

MIND Meetings provide the structure to successfully implement and sustain the MIND Methodology. The standard MIND Meeting™ has two agenda topics, the Check-in and Improve what’s most important. These ensure information, communication and actions stay focused on improving the MIN.

The Check-in breaks down silos by providing a venue for team members to share information they have and get the information and resources they need from other team members. Action items captured during the Check-in should be tactical (e.g. Send the sales report to Rebecca for her review). This takes approximately 25% of the overall meeting time

Improve What’s Most Important is where the team prioritizes where to concentrate resources in order to meet or exceed the MIN. This is 75% of the meeting and is spent reviewing and updating the work being done to improve the In Focus Drivers. The owner of each in-focus driver leads an intentional discussion based on the following questions:

  • Is leveraging this Driver improving the MIN more than Drivers not in focus? (if yes, then it remains in focus)

  • What is preventing us from improving this Driver faster? Is there a bottleneck and what are we doing about it?

  • Are we doing the right work to improve this Driver, or would other actions have a greater impact? (and how do we know?)

The flow of a MIND Meeting

Continuous improvement

It is all about improving the Most Important Number before, during and in between meetings.

This video provides greater detail on how MIND Meetings help you improve your Most Important Number

MIND Meetings

Facilitating MIND Meetings to create the most value is an essential skill as outlined in this video.

Facilitating MIND Meetings

For more detail on MIND Meetings, download the Playbook

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