Providing certificates upon completion of your training content can be a game-changer for learner motivation and engagement. Using Mini Course Generator’s integration with Zapier & Make, you can create automations which send certificates to learners in scenarios such as:
completing a mini-course
completing a collection of mini-courses
being successful on a mini-course quiz
being successful on an average of quizzes in a mini-course collection
See how to connect Mini Course Generator & Certopus through Make to certificate your learners on this article.
Certificate your learners after completion of mini-courses
After signing in to your Make account, create a new automation and select Mini Course Generator as your first application.
To certificate the completion of a single mini-course, choose the event “Watch Course Completed”.
To certificate the completion of a group of mini-courses (collection), choose the event “Watch Course Collection Completed”.
Connect your Mini Course Generator account and choose related mini-course or collection that you’d like to give certificates for.
Add a second step to your scenario. Choose Certopus as the application and “Create a Credential” for the event.
Turn on your Scenario.
After turning on your Scenario, your automation is ready to go! When learners are done finishing your education program, they will receive a certificate instantly, without the hassle of sending the certificate yourself.
Certificate your learners above the success threshold
Suppose that you’re looking to assess your learners in your mini course or collection and only certificate those who you deem successful after they finish their education. This is easily possible by adding a filter.
🔹 This automation will only work if your mini-course/collection content includes a quiz.
To certificate learners above the success threshold:
Create the same Scenario as explained in the Certificate your learners after completion of mini-courses section.
Set up a filter in-between. For the sake of this article, we’d like to certificate our learners that have a success rate of 80% or more in our mini-course or collection. To realize this, fill out your filter details as “Score, numeric operators: greater than or equal to 80”.
Turn on your automation.
Great! You just made your educational content even more valuable by testing your learners and awarding them for their success. Not to mention that it is also automated, with no need to analyze successful learners and sending them certificates one by one.
👀 See how it looks to be certified
Here’s how your learners get their certificate. They can share their certificate with others, add it to their LinkedIn profile, download it as a PDF document and more.
Your learners are more engaged than ever thanks to knowing they will receive tangible recognition for their efforts. Besides, learners who share their certificates are a great marketing tool and generate leads for your training content, so it’s a win-win situation!