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How to find a job

Find a job in Minotaur: From the “Jobs” window, candidates’ individual profile, the clients’ profiles, and from the search bar.

Updated over a week ago

From the ‘Jobs’ window

Go to the “Job” window. There you will find all the jobs that you have access to, depending on your profile and the clients assigned to you. By clicking on the funnel symbol next to the “position name” field, you’ll be able to search for the job you need.

Apply your search criteria, then click on “filter”. This will give you a search result based on the criteria you’ve selected.

Select the job you’re looking for by clicking on its name, and it’ll redirect you to the job profile.

From the candidate’s individual profile

You may look for the candidate either in the candidates’ window, or by using the search bar.

Select the “job” tab.

There you’ll find the job where the candidate is in. By clicking on it, you’ll be redirected to the job itself.

From the client’s profile.

Go to the client’s profile either from the client’s window or the search bar.

Once you’ve selected the client, the first thing you will see is the jobs tab, there you’ll have access to all jobs created for that specific client. Click on the job’s name and you’ll be directed to the individual job page.

From the search bar

Locate the search bar, type the name of the job, select the “job” option, and from the drop-down menu select the job that you’re looking for. This action will redirect you to the job’s individual profile.

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