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How to check for and merge duplicate candidates
How to check for and merge duplicate candidates

Learn to identify and merge duplicate candidate profiles, streamlining your recruitment process for efficiency and accuracy

Updated over a week ago

To check if a candidate’s profile is duplicated you need to go to the candidate’s profile. If it’s duplicated, you’ll observe a tag that states “duplicate” mark next to the name of the user who created the candidate. If there’s no mark, then the candidate is not duplicated.

If the candidate is duplicated, you can merge both profiles. If the candidate is not duplicated, you can mark it as “not duplicated”.

Merging the candidates.

Once you’re on the candidate’s page, click on the “duplicates” button.

This will show you all profiles that may be duplicated with yours. Click on “merge”.

Next to the candidates’ names you can see an eye symbol. By clicking on them you’ll have a preview of their profiles; that way you can easily identify if they’re duplicates or not.

In this case, we could determine that they are indeed duplicated roles. To merge them, male sure to select the profile which will be main one (the left for this example); then click on “Merge Duplicates”.

The duplicates have been merged successfully. Once you go to the candidate’s profile, the “duplicate” mark won’t be there

No “duplicates” mark, as you can observe.

Marking candidates as “not duplicates”.

For this matter, follow steps 1,2 and 3 of “merging the candidates”. Once you’re in the candidate’s comparison page, select the main profile and click on “Mark as not duplicate”. This action will remove the duplicate banner from both profiles.

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