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Keisuke Takemoto avatar
Written by Keisuke Takemoto
Updated over 6 years ago


1. Keep garage doors closed to prevent water supply lines in ornear garage walls from freezing. (ガレージの扉を閉める。)
2. Keep heat at a constant temperature of at least 62 degrees.(暖房の設定温度は62度以下にしない。)
3. Leave kitchen and bath cabinet doors open to allow warmer airto circulate, especially if any such cabinets are against an exterior wall.(シンク下のドアを開け、温風が行きわたるようにする。)
4. Allow a small trickle of water to flow from your faucetsduring extreme cold weather. Also flush toilets occasionally.(就寝時、配管凍結を防ぐ為に水を少し流した状態をする。)
5. If you are going to be away from your home for an extendedperiod of time, shut off the water to your unit and drain the water systembefore you leave. Do Not turn down heat.(長期にて不在の場合は、水の元栓を閉め、配管に残った水を全部出す。)
6. If you have had past experience with a drainpipe freezing,pour hot water into the sink or, if the pipe is a basement floor pipe, intothe basement floor drain, several times each day.(配管が凍り水がでなかった事がある場合は、温水を流す。) 

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