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Group Element

Learn how to use the group element within Ad Builder to replicate elements and attributes from one scene to another or across ad sizes.

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

The Group Element is a great way to replicate elements and attributes from scene to scene or from ad size to ad size. Add a group element by selecting the Add Element icon in the attribute panel.

In this article, we'll cover:

Creating Groups

Create a group within your ad creative by following the below steps.

  1. Start by dragging the elements you would like to reuse into the Group Element.

  2. If your elements land out of order, you can bring the right elements to the front by dragging them to the top of the group element.

  3. Collapse the element and make sure it's selected. Then, use the Element Controls on the Workboard to copy the group.

  4. If you're adding it to a scene, navigate to the scene and paste. It's that easy!

Moving Groups

You have two options for moving your grouped elements within your ad creative.

  • Defining Pixel Placement: You can define where the element lives based on pixel placement using the Top and Left fields. The Top field will define the number of pixels between the top edge of the ad frame to the top edge of the group element. The Left field will define the number of pixels between the left edge of the ad frame to the left edge of the group element.

  • Moving in the Ad Workboard: You can drag and drop the group element within the ad workboard to relocate the element to your desired position.

Aligning Groups

The Element Align tool allows you to align the group element in relation to the ad frame. Alignments include top, horizontal center, bottom, left, vertical center, and right.

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