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Using Site-Served Visit Tracking Tags
Using Site-Served Visit Tracking Tags

Integrate site-served visit tracking tags into your video ad for monitoring MNTN campaign performance in your third-party platform.

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over 3 months ago

Site-served visit tracking tags, suffix tags, click tags, or UTMs, are essential for tracking and understanding user interactions within your marketing campaigns. These tags are added to the end of a Visit URL to collect data, allowing you to analyze these user interactions.

In this article we'll review:

Site-Served Tracking Tags: Formatting Requirements

πŸ’‘Note: URL formatting is case-sensitive. If your URL needs capitalization, contact the Platform Experience team via a support request.

Ensure your site-server tag meets the following formatting requirements in order to correctly track data in your third-party measurement platform:

βœ… Do

❌ Do Not

All individual UTM parameters should be separated by an "&".

Do not include a question mark at the start of the Visit Tracking field.

Our system automatically generates a question mark to link the Visit URL and Visit Tracking parameters.

Extra question marks can break our tracking.

Leverage the following special characters:

  • Underscore "_"

  • Hyphen "-"

  • Equal Sign "="

  • Ampersand "&"

  • Period "."

  • Parenthesis "( )"

  • Plus Sign "+"

  • Semicolon ";"

  • Colon ":"

  • Slash "/"

  • At sign "@"

  • Dollar sign "$"

  • Exclamation Mark "!"

We cannot support the following characters in the Visit Tracking field, as it will break tracking:

  • Spaces

  • Quotation marks (β€œβ€)

  • 'Less Than' symbol ("<")

  • 'Greater Than' symbol (">")

  • 'Pound' character ("#")

  • Percent character ("%")

  • Left Curly Brace ("{")

  • Right Curly Brace ("}")

  • Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")

  • Backslash ("\")

  • Caret ("^")

  • Tilde ("~")

  • Left Square Bracket ("[")

  • Right Square Bracket ("]")

  • Grave Accent ("`")

  • Apostrophe ("’")

Implement your Site-Served Tracking Tags in the Visit Tracking field within the Site-Served Visit Tracking tab.

Site-Served Visit Tracking Tags should never be included in the Visit URL or Macro-Enabled Visit Tracking fields, as this can break tracking.

Using Site-Served Visit Tracking Tags

You will implement your site-served tracking tags directly on your video ad. Implementing your site-served tracking tags must be completed on every video you upload.

πŸ’‘ Note: Site-served visit tags for third-party platforms other than Google Analytics or Rockerbox activate only when users click on an MNTN Multi-Touch ad. If you're not using MNTN Multi-Touch, these tags won't activate due to our video ads appearing solely on non-clickable inventory.

To learn more on how we track in third-party platforms, please see here.

If leveraging Google Analytics to monitor MNTN campaign performance, please see the below:

1️⃣ From the Video Creative step of your campaign shell, select the video ad to which you'd like to append your tracking parameters.

2️⃣ Select the Visit Tracking field from your video ad's Tracking Parameters section.

3️⃣ Navigate to the Site-Served Visit Tracking Tag tab on your creative's right-hand side.

4️⃣ Implement your hardcoded tracking parameters here.

5️⃣ Select the blue Done button in the bottom-right corner once completed.


πŸ’‘ Note: Only hardcoded parameters should be implemented here. If leveraging a visit tracking tag with dynamic macros (otherwise known as a webhook URL), please refer to our Macro-Enabled Visit Tracking article.

Site-Served Visit Tracking Tags and Google Analytics

All MNTN campaigns will automatically generate site-served tracking tags for Google Analytics as part of our Google Analytics integration:

https://[your visit URL]/?utm_campaign=[your appended campaign name]&utm_medium=performance_tv&utm_source=mntn

UTM Parameters


utm_campaign=[your appended campaign name]

Identify the partner that is sending traffic to your property (ie: MNTN)


The advertising channel (ie: Performance TV)


The specific campaign name you've appended within the MNTN platform

πŸ’‘ Note: Google Analytics and Rockerbox are the only third-party attribution platforms with MNTN that have direct integration.

Read more about our direct integration with Google Analytics here.

MNTN will transmit the above parameters alongside all other relevant verified visit data as a hit to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol API. Because of our integration into Google Analytics, these UTMs will be passed for Last Touch Verified Visits driven by your TV commercial and optional Multi-Touch ad.

You can adjust these UTMs to your liking, which will adjust the values MNTN transmits to your Google Analytics dashboard when a Last Touch verified visit occurs.

πŸ’‘Note: Any changes to these UTM values will not be updated retroactively for live or previously live creatives.

Though the GA UTM parameters content and term aren't included in the platform's automatically generated site-served GA tracking tag, you can choose to leverage them if needed for your performance analysis.

UTM Parameters



Typically used to differentiate ads within a campaign


Used to further differentiate your creative or campaign efforts in some way (ie: seasonal effort, sale, promo, etc)

If you are not tracking performance within Google Analytics, remove these UTMs from your visit tracking setup to ensure we are not sending any MNTN data to your GA dashboard.

🧠 Pro Tip: Check out this article for more details on our integration into Google Analytics.

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