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Weighting Your Ads

Once your ads are uploaded and linked, MNTN's weighting functionality ensures you're serving your ads as intended.

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over 7 months ago

MNTN's Creative Weighting Capability

Before we jump into how to weigh your ads, let's first discuss what weighting even means.

MNTN's weighting feature determines the percentage of users or households that will be served that creative group if running with multiple creative groups within your campaign shell.

This feature offers your team complete creative flexibility by enabling you to upload as many creative groups as desired, whether it's 2, 6, 10, 15, and so on. Additionally, it acts as a manual optimization tool, allowing you to fine-tune how your creative groups serve based on performance insights seen in your reporting dashboard as well as your team's preferences.

Ok, great, but what is a creative group? A creative group can be:

⭐ TV ad

⭐ TV ad and its linked Multi-Touch group (if choosing to run with MNTN Multi-Touch)

What's important to note is that a campaign will only have one creative group type: your campaign will either exclusively run with TV ads or your campaign will have multi-touch ads enabled.

Weighting Your Creative Groups: Key Considerations

When leveraging MNTN's weighting tool, there are a few things to keep top of mind:

⭐️ This feature is only utilized when running with more than one creative group.

⭐️ All creative groups' weightings must total 100%.

⭐️ The weighting capability lives on your TV ads within the campaign shell's Video Creative step.

⭐️ If running with MNTN Multi-Touch, the defined weighting will apply to the TV ad and its linked Multi-Touch group.

Assigning Weight on a New Campaign

Whether you want to modify the weightings of your live creative groups or introduce a newly uploaded creative group into your rotation, follow these steps:

💡 Note: If leveraging the weighting feature for a new campaign, you can set your desired weighting ahead of the MNTN team's creative approval.

To adjust the weighting of your creative groups within a new campaign:

1️⃣ Navigate to your desired TV ad within the Video Creative step of your campaign shell.

2️⃣ Adjust the percentage within the weighting field of that TV ad. Repeat for all TV ads.

3️⃣ Ensure your creative groups' weightings total 100%. Once complete, your changes will automatically save and be applied once the campaign is live.

Adjusting Weight on a Live Creative

Say you want to adjust the weightings of your live creative groups. Or maybe you want a newly uploaded creative group in your rotation. In either instance, follow the below steps.

Keep in mind, that for live campaigns, newly uploaded creative groups will be locked at a weight of 0% until approved by the MNTN team. Upon approval, you can adjust the weighting of that creative group.

1️⃣ Navigate to the Video Creative step of your campaign shell.

2️⃣ Adjust the percentage within the weighting fields of all TV ads.

3️⃣ The updated weightings will be saved automatically and take effect immediately.

💡Note: Updated weighting will reset the households/users receiving your creative groups, and the new weighting will apply instantly. This means that a household that previously received creative group A may now potentially receive creative group B, C, D, etc., with the new audience allocation.

Removing Weight on a Live Creative

After reviewing creative performance, maybe you decide you no longer want a creative group live. Or maybe you had creative groups dedicated to a specific sale, promo, or holiday, which has since ended.

No matter your reasoning, simply follow the steps outlined below to remove a creative group from being served in a live campaign:

1️⃣ Head to the Video Creative step of your campaign shell.

2️⃣ On the creative groups you no longer want in the market, adjust the weighting field's percentage to 0. Once the weight is set to 0%, that ad group is no longer live.

3️⃣ Adjust the other creative weighting groups to a total of 100%.

4️⃣ The updated weighting will save automatically and apply immediately.

💡Note: The updated weighting will reset the households/users receiving your creative groups and the updated weighting will apply immediately. This means that a household that was previously served creative group A could now potentially receive creative group B, C, D, etc. with the new audience reset.

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