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Tealium Installation Guide

Learn how to install MNTN pixels in Tealium

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

If you utilize Tealium as your tag management system, you may install the MNTN pixels directly within the system.

Installing the Tracking & Conversion Pixel

1. Log in.
2. Click “Tags” under the iQ Tag Management drop-down
3. Click the green “Add Tags” button located on top of the table on the right-hand side
4. Search for “MNTN”.
5. You will only need to add this one tag. This tag will install the Tracking and Conversion pixel. Please click "Add" button.

6. Enter Account ID (will be given to you by MNTN, AID)

7. You can edit the name of this specific tag, but we recommend keeping "MNTN Smarter Pixel"
8. All settings should stay the same.

9. The Tracking pixel is set to fire on all pages. Please do not change this setting, as we will need the Tracking pixel to fire on all pages for maximum campaign performance.

10. The Conversion pixel will fire when _corder is available on the site.

Please note: The Conversion pixel will only work if the variable _corder is being used by your site. If you will not be using that variable, please see below "Editing Code if not using Order ID" for further instructions.

11. Click "Finish" to add the tag.

12. Click "Save/Publish" button on the top banner. This will publish the changes to the LIVE/Prod site.

13. You will need to make a personal note of the changes you will be making to the LIVE/Prod site.

14. You will need to make sure you are applying changes to the "Prod" portion of the site by clicking on the button "Prod"

15. Click "Publish"

Once complete, please reach out to your onboarding manager and let then know the tags have implemented. We will start a QA to ensure the pixels are properly firing and your account is setup for success.

Editing Code if not using Order ID (_corder)

These instructions will walk you through being able to edit the trigger for the Conversion pixel. The current setup will only fire the Conversion pixel if the _corder exists.

  1. Click on "Tags" under the "iQ Tag Management" dropdown

  2. Click on the tag you want to edit, in most cases it will be called "MNTN Smarter Pixel"

  3. Click "Edit" within the "Tag Configuration" box.

  4. Under "Advanced Settings" click "Edit Template"

5. You will have to edit the code template.

6. Scroll down to line 105 (could be a little different within yours) to the portion that starts with: if (

7. You will need to replace with how you will want to fire the Conversion pixel. example if (window.location.href.indexOf("/thankyou") > -1)

This example replaces the order ID with a script looking for a specific portion of the URL.

8. Once changes are made, click "Apply" on the bottom of the screen.

9. You will need to publish the changes, please follow steps 12-15 above.

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