How to Edit a Meter Widget
Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

The Meter Widget allows you to visualize a percentage or measure two values against each other on your reporting dashboard. The widget is a great tool for measuring the values most important to your campaign performance.

You can learn more about the Meter Widget in the below video:

In this article, we'll cover:

Adding Meter Widgets

You can add meter widgets to any reports that live within the My Reports section. Simply click the pencil icon in the top right corner of the report to open the edit view, then follow the below steps.

  1. From the Edit Report view, select the Add Widget icon in the top right hand corner.

  2. Next, select Meter from the widget dropdown list.

  3. The Meter Widget will then be added to the bottom of your report dashboard for you to customize based on your goals.

Editing Meter Widget Data

You can customize the dimension and metrics in your meter widget by editing the widget Data.

  1. From the Edit Report view, select the Edit pencil icon in the top right corner of the Meter widget to open the Meter Widget modal.

  2. Use the Data tab in the Meter Widget modal to select your desired Dimension. The Dimension represents how your metric will be pivoted. Common dimensions include Advertiser, CampaignGroup, Creative, among others.

  3. After defining your Dimension, select your desired Metrics to display. The Metrics will represent the values shown on your meter. Common metrics include rates like Conversion Rate, Verified Visit Rate, and Completed View Rate.

  4. Once complete, save your changes by clicking Done.

Editing Meter Widget Appearance

You can customize the appearance of your meter widget from the Appearance tab.

  1. From the Edit Report view, select the Edit pencil icon from the right corner of the Meter widget to open the Meter Widget modal.

  2. Use the Appearance tab in the Meter Widget modal to control your Title and Visualization features.

    • The Title field will allow you to change the labeling of your Meter Widget.

    • The Visualization toggle will allow you to designate how your meter appears, allowing you to choose between Normal and Compact.

  3. Once complete, save your changes by clicking Done.

Duplicating Meter Widgets

You can duplicate an existing meter widget to copy its attributes to a new widget.

  1. From the Edit Report view, select the Duplicate icon from the top right corner of the Meter Widget.

  2. Your new duplicated Meter widget will appear directly below the existing Meter widget.

Resizing Meter Widgets

You can resize your meter widget to adjust how it appears or fits within your existing report dashboard.

  1. From the Edit Report view, hover over the bottom right corner of your Meter Widget until the resize arrow appears.

  2. Click and drag the bottom right corner to adjust the width and height of your Meter Widget.

Moving Meter Widgets

You can move your meter widget to adjust where it lives in your existing report dashboard.

  1. From the Edit Report view, click the Meter Widget then drag and drop to adjust itslocation.

  2. You can drag the widget left and right, or up and down to control its position and orientation on your dashboard.

Deleting Meter Widgets

You can delete meter widgets to remove them from your existing report dashboard.

  1. From the Edit Report view, select the "x" icon in the top right of your Meter widget to Delete the widget.

  2. After deleting your Meter Widget, any surrounding widgets will shift upwards to fill the space left behind by the Meter widget.

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