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The MNTN Conversion Window

Learn more about MNTN's Conversion Window

Jazmine Jackson avatar
Written by Jazmine Jackson
Updated this week

The Conversion window is the period of time that a household is eligible for Conversion attribution credit. The Conversion Attribution window opens once a household is confirmed as a Verified Visitor. That household then has a specified window of time to convert on your site in order for MNTN to take Conversion Attribution Credit in our internal reporting. You can learn more about our Cross-Device Verified Visits Attribution Methodology here.

The Default Conversion window is static across your entire account and does not differ based on campaign objective.

  • The Default Conversion Attribution Window is set at 30 days.

A 30-day Conversion window is the most commonly used conversion window industry-wide by online marketers, as it provides the marketer with a large enough data set to make statistically significant decisions.

🧠 Pro Tip: You can adjust the Attribution Windows for your Conversion Attribution Window. Learn more about adjusting your Conversion window here.

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