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Setting your Time Zone
Setting your Time Zone

Setting your time zone within your account.

Taylor Dunne avatar
Written by Taylor Dunne
Updated over a week ago

Setting your Time Zone

Setting your time zone within your account determines the data timestamps for everything in your account – from system messages to reporting data – so that it fits into your day, from your perspective.

Time Zone Impact

Your campaigns. The start time/end time of your campaigns is dictated by the timezone of your account.

Reporting. For example, the conversion timestamps and “day of” reporting will all be in the timezone applied to your account.

Note: If you would like to change your time zone, please reach out to the Platform Experience Team or your Customer Success Manager.

Changing your Time Zone

  1. If you are already live, changing your account's time zone can temporarily impact data and reporting for the day or two that the offset affects.

  2. If you haven't launched yet, changing the timezone on your account will not impact any historical data; just the time and date a campaign will launch if one is scheduled.

My Time Zone isn't Supported

We recommend utilizing a timezone most closely aligned to the timezone that is unavailable. We also ask that you reach out to our platform support team to provide an enhancement request to support the timezone in question.

Checking the Time Zone of My Account

✅ Select your account in the upper right-hand corner and choose the My Account drop down.

✅ In the General tab, you will find the timezone assigned to your account (see visual below).

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