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Site Impact Report

Learn how to review your Site Impact Report to see the true impact of MNTN's performance

Joanna Shin avatar
Written by Joanna Shin
Updated this week

🚩Disclaimer: All site traffic-related data is gathered by your placed MNTN tracking pixel data. All conversion-related data is gathered by your MNTN conversion pixel data.

We’ve upgraded your Transparency Report with additional metrics and a better name (if we do say so ourselves).

Your reporting dashboard's new Site Impact Report provides a more comprehensive perspective of your performance by outlining MNTN's direct and attributable impact on your site's total traffic, conversions, and revenue.

Understanding the Site Impact Report

The MNTN Site Impact Report takes your site's raw data and compares it to that of MNTN-attributed performance.

💡Note: Your pixel data is updated on a rolling 30 day basis. For more information on what data our pixels collect, check out this article.

Site Visitor Trends

The Site Visitor Trend visualizes the impact your MNTN efforts have had on your overall site traffic across your defined date range.

💡Note: Scroll this bar chart left to right in order to navigate through your data's defined date range.

  • Raw Visitors: Your total site visitors, irrespective of how those users landed on the site (organically, by way of MNTN, paid media, etc.).

  • MNTN Driven Site Visitors: Your total MNTN-attributed site visitors. A MNTN driven site visitor is only counted after exposure to one of your MNTN ad impressions.

🔍 Example:

  • Monday, 7/1: Joe is served a MNTN impression.

  • Tuesday, 7/2: Joe lands on your site, which fires a MNTN verified visit. Joe would be considered a “MNTN Driven Site Visitor”.

  • Wednesday, 7/3: Joe visits the site again without being served another MNTN impression. Joe is not counted as a “MNTN Driven Site Visitor” again (nor is a verified visit fired), but he is reflected in the daily Raw Visitor total.

Conversion Impact Percentage

The Conversion Impact Percentage chart details day-over-day trends across your site's raw conversions against that of MNTN-attributed conversions.

This report then highlights the Conversion Attribution Percentage, which showcases the role MNTN has played in driving conversion volume.

  • Raw Conversions: The total number of your site's conversion events, irrespective of how that user came to convert (organically, by way of MNTN, paid media, etc.).

  • Total Conversions: The total number of MNTN-attributed conversions.

  • Conversion Attribution Percentage: The percentage of conversions MNTN played a direct role in driving. Calculation: Total Conversions ÷ Raw Conversions

💡Note: For more details on MNTN's Cross-Device Verified Visits™ attribution methodology, check out this article.

Order Value Impact Percentage

The Order Value Impact Percentage chart details day-over-day trends across your site's raw order value against that of MNTN-attributed order value.

Order Value Impact Percentage

  • Raw Order Value: The total order value of the conversions placed on your site, irrespective of how that user came to convert (organically, by way of MNTN, paid media, etc.).

  • Order Value: The total order value of the MNTN-attributed conversions.

  • Order Value Attribution Percentage: The percentage of site order value attributed to MNTN. Calculation = Order Value ÷ Raw Order Value

Site Impact Details

The Site Impact Details table aggregates the following metrics to showcase MNTN's direct influence on your site's performance. It provides a daily breakdown of:

  • MNTN Driven Site Visitors

  • Raw Visitors

  • Total Conversions

  • Raw Conversions

  • Conversion Attribution Percentage

  • Order Value

  • Raw Order Value

  • Percentage of Order Value

  • Average Order Value

  • Raw Average Order Value

💡Note: Looking for the order IDs driven by your MNTN campaigns' efforts? Find that breakdown in the Conversion Details chart within your Campaign Report.

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