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Measuring Offline Attribution with MNTN

Learn how to measure your CTV ads' impact on real-world conversions to gain a holistic view of your campaign's performance.

Tori Cipollone avatar
Written by Tori Cipollone
Updated over 2 months ago

With MNTN Offline Conversions, you can finally measure your connected TV ads' impact on real-world conversions to gain a holistic view of your Performance TV campaign's performance.

If you have physical locations, you inherently know that your TV commercials are persuading shoppers to take action. From gym sign-ups to new car purchases and more, people still value the convenience of in-person browsing even in an increasingly digital world.

Uploading offline conversions to MNTN allows you to:

✅ Measure the real-world conversions you're generating with television

✅ Get offline conversion data with ease.

✅ Gain a holistic view of TV's impact.

Using MNTNs Offline Attribution Tool

1️⃣ Compile a CSV File: Create a CSV file with your customers' email addresses, in-store Transaction Times, Order IDs, and Order Values. Email addresses and Transaction Times are required fields, while Order IDs and Order Values are optional fields.

🧠 Pro Tip: Refer to our Uploading and Managing your CRM Lists article for more information on formatting and supported characters for CRM and Offline Attribution Lists.

2️⃣ Navigate to Audience Tab: Select CRM Segment in MNTN’s Audience tab and upload your CSV file as an Offline Attribution Email List.

3️⃣ Name your Audience: Add a Name to your Offline Attribution list under "File Name"

4️⃣ Click "Upload": We'll hash and process your lists to kick off the Offline Conversion matching. These lists take about 1 day to finish processing.

How MNTN's Offline Attribution Works

⭐️ CRM List Analyzed and Encrypted: All uploaded email address lists are hashed to SHA-256 to protect privacy and ensure no PII is accessed. These lists take about 1 day to finish processing.

⭐️ Household Matching: The hashed email addresses will be matched back to their respective households based on our Identity Graph.

⭐️ MNTN Matches Conversions: After the list is processed, our system will use your conversion attribution window, set to a standard of 30 days, against the conversion timestamp uploaded to match household ads served to in-store purchases.

⭐️ Offline Attribution Reporting: If your uploaded records are tied to household ads served, we will use the provided order amounts to report on the offline revenue you’ve generated from MNTN Performance TV ads. You'll also have access to the Unique Order IDs of each attributed offline conversion if you upload that data.

Offline Attribution File Formatting

For your Offline Attribution files to upload and process correctly, they must follow the correct formatting requirements.

File Type

File Name

File Size

File Contents

.CSV (comma-separated value)

There is a 60-character limit for the File Name.

Avoid special characters. The only accepted special characters are:

  • dashes "-"

  • underscores "_"

  • Parentheses "()"

The file can only contain a maximum of 2 million records and be up to 4GB.

Neither of these limitations can be exceeded.

Each file must contain, at a minimum, Email and Time respectively. OrderID and OrderAmt are also supported but are optional.

⭐️ All Offline Attribution files must contain 4 column headers. The Email Address and Transaction Time columns must have data, but the Order ID and Order Amount columns can be left as null. Email and Transaction time are used to complete the match back of in-store transactions to MNTN ad impressions aired.

⭐️ Including Order ID and Order Amount can tie back in-store sales data to your attributed offline conversions, providing detailed performance measurements, including Offline Order Value, Revenue, ROAS, and Order ID tracking.

⭐️ The column headers must be in the same sequential order and nomenclature as shown in the example:





2024-02-10 03:28:02



2024-02-11 02:45:10



⭐️ The header rows in your CSV file are optional if you include data in all 4 column fields. If you do not include data in the Order ID or Order Amount fields, headers are required to ensure the file meets the 4-column requirement. If you are utilizing a header row, it must be located in the first row.

Email Column Formatting

The Email column of the CSV file is required and cannot be null or empty. This column leverages email address to associate the offline conversions to a household within MNTN's identity graph to determine if an Impression was served.

You can upload your email addresses as raw or pre-hashed emails using SHA-256 encoding, but all records must have the same formatting. All email addresses within the Email column of your CSV file must match the following formatting guidelines:

Raw Email Records

Pre-Hashed Email Records

1️⃣ Include only valid email addresses

2️⃣ Include a domain name for all email addresses.

1️⃣ Prior to hashing your file, ensure that your raw email records follow the formatting guidelines.

2️⃣ All pre-hashed email addresses must have been hashed using a SHA-256 hashing function.

Time Column Formatting

The Time column of the CSV file is required and cannot be null or empty. This column calculates the conversion lookback window for each offline conversion record to determine if the impression was eligible for attribution.

💡Note: You may include "AM" or "PM" for clarity, but it is not required. Both formats are accepted and will be processed without issue.

The Time data must be in Year-Month-Day hour:minute formatting, aka YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm. Examples of accepted formats are below:

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Date hr:min:sec

Date hr:min

If the time is in UTC, add a Z directly after the time without a space. Z is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset.

If you would like to leverage your account timezone, you can input data including Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second

If you would like to leverage your account timezone, you can input data including Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute. Seconds are not required

2024-09-01 01:01:00.001Z

2024-09-01 01:01:01

2024-09-01 01:01

💡Note: The timezone leverages your account timezone.

❗️Important: You must input the date and hour:minute or hour:minute:seconds into your Time Column. If you do not input the transaction timestamp, your offline attribution lists will not match to households served.

OrderID Column Formatting

The OrderID column of the CSV file is not required and can be null or empty. We highly recommend that you input the Order ID associated with the offline conversion, as it will help to improve the quality of data and ability to track against your internal reporting.

The Order ID data must be in Alpha, Numeric, AlphaNumeric, and Special Character formats. These formats can also be combined to represent your unique order IDs. Examples of accepted formats are below:



Alpha Numeric

Special Character

Include a unique string of letters without spaces that signify the conversion type.

Include a string of numbers to signify the conversion or conversion type.

Include a string of letters and numbers to signify the conversion or conversion type.

Include a string of special characters to signify the conversion or conversion type.





OrderAmt Column Formatting

The OrderAmt column of the CSV file can be null or empty, however we highly recommend that you input the Order Amount associated to the offline conversion, as it will help to improve the quality of data and ability to track against your internal reporting. This will also allow us to calculate metrics like Revenue and ROAS for Offline Conversions.

We allow for Order Amounts with whole numbers and/or up to 2 decimals. Currency Symbols "$" are optional but not required. Examples of accepted formats are below:

Whole Numbers

Whole Numbers with Decimals

Decimals Only

$95, 95

$95.99, 95.99, 95.9, etc.

$.99, .99, .9, etc.

Offline Attribution Reporting

Once your Offline Attribution Lists have been processed and matched back to conversions, use our reporting suite's new Offline Primary Conversions metrics to see your conversion results by adding them to any custom report. All offline conversions will also be added to your Total Conversions metric and can be viewed in your Conversion Detail report.

Offline Metric Name


Offline Conversions

Total number of matches between the offline conversion list and households with an impression served

Offline Order Value

Total Order Value driven by MNTN based on the Offline Primary Conversions and its corresponding uploaded order amounts

Conversion Point: Offline Attribution

Within your Conversions Report Table, you can add "Conversion Point" as a metric. Offline Conversions will be categorized within that column to differentiate your conversion types

Offline Attribution Reporting

Reporting is integral to ensure you understand the impact that MNTN PTV advertisements have had on your in-store or downstream conversions.

While Offline Conversions and Offline Order Value are rolled into your Total Conversions and Total Order Value Metrics, we have also provided stand-alone Offline Attribution Metrics that can be added to your custom reporting.

  • Offline Conversions: Shows the total number of Offline Conversions attributable to MNTN Ad Impressions

  • Offline Order Value: Shows the total Order Value attributable to MNTN Ad Impressions

💡 Offline Conversions and Order Value are not currently available for the Audience Segment / Keyword Report, and will not be included within that report's total conversion count.

Conversion Reporting for Offline Attribution Order IDs

To see which Offline Order IDs are attributable to Offline Conversions matched by the MNTN system, leverage the "Conversions Detail" table in our Default Campaign Report or create a custom Conversion Table.

All Offline Order IDs will be available within your Order ID reporting, but if you would like to see which Order IDs were made offline, you can create a customer report and leverage the "Conversion Point" metric. This allows you to differentiate Offline Conversions from Web Conversions more easily. We recommend setting your Conversion Details table up with the following metrics as a starting point:

A "Summarize By" value is not required to generate this reporting, but you can choose to summarize by metrics like Campaign Name or Creative Name.


  • Order ID: The Order ID provided in your Offline Attribution File Upload, which is an optional field.

  • Conversion Point: Offline Conversions will contain an "offline_attribution" value in this metric, while all online conversions will contain blank values in this metric.

  • Verified Visit Time: For Offline Conversions Only, the Verified Visit Timestamp will show the Impression Timestamp. For all Online Conversions, this will show the timestamp when the attributable Verified Visit occurred.

  • Conversion Time: The conversion timestamp provided in your Offline Attribution File Upload, which is a required field.

  • Order Amount: The Order Amount provided in your Offline Attribution File Upload, which is an optional field.

💡 Please Note: Offline Order IDs and Amounts are only available in reporting if you provide them when you upload your Offline Attribution File.

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