Custom Attribution Settings

Customize your attribution settings to control the site visits, conversions, and revenue credited to your television campaigns.

Tori Cipollone avatar
Written by Tori Cipollone
Updated over a week ago

🚩 Custom Attribution Settings is currently in Beta. If you are interested in joining this beta, please contact the Platform Experience Team or your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Custom Attribution settings allow for enhanced control and transparency into the site visits, conversions, and revenue credited to your television campaigns.

By default, MNTN does not attribute or claim credit for Verified Visits when a user's site visit contains a marketing parameter from another paid or organic channel.

Custom Attribution settings allow you to remove visits that contain blocked marketing parameters. As a result, you can see all site visits, conversions, and revenue influenced by your television campaigns. These settings also allow you to customize and control the marketing parameters to fit your business' unique attribution definitions.

How Custom Attribution Settings Work

Your Custom Attribution Settings can be found on the Attribution Tab under the Accounts section. All changes to your custom attribution settings are made at the account level, meaning they will impact all campaigns' attributed performance.

Here's how it works:

Identify the marketing parameter structure(s) you use across your marketing channels.

Formatting and nomenclature, except for case sensitivity, must exactly match the parameters defined on your other marketing channels for our system to include or exclude the parameters from attribution properly.

Add your exclusions or inclusions

Add any custom Marketing Parameter you wish to exclude from counting as Verified Visits. You can also remove our default parameters, which are highlighted below.

Tracking Tag Type


GA Tracking Tags

  • utm_source

  • utm_medium

  • utm_campaign

  • utm_term

  • utm_content

DCM and Adobe Tracking Tags

  • cid

  • gclid

IBM Core Metrics Tracking Tags

  • cm_mmc

Your custom attribution settings will be updated

All marketing parameters included in your Custom Attribution Settings will be blocked from Verified Visit Attribution. If our pixel identifies any of your blocked parameters appended to the visit URL on the first site visit post-MNTN impression, that visit will be thrown out and not counted towards verified visit attribution, nor future conversions and revenue that visit drove.

💡 Note: Changes to your attribution settings will not impact your data retroactively.

Custom Attribution Features

Adding a Marketing Parameter to Block Verified Visits

1️⃣ To add a new marketing parameter to exclude from verified visit attribution, select +New Marketing Parameters and type your parameter.

2️⃣ Click outside the text box or hit enter to input this parameter on your list. Ensure the new input includes the full parameter and matches the parameter nomenclature exactly. Below is some example formatting.

  • utm_source=google

  • utm_medium=pla

  • cid=CjwKCAiApuCrB

3️⃣ The applied changes will applied to your account. These changes will not impact your data retroactively.

Removing a Marketing Parameter to include Verified Visits

1️⃣ To remove a Marketing Parameter, click the X button on the tag of your desired parameter, as seen below.

2️⃣ When complete, select Save Changes. This will ensure that site visits made with that parameter appended will be included in the Verified Visit attribution.

3️⃣ The applied changes will applied to your account. These changes will not impact your data retroactively.

💡Note: To fully include a source in Verified Visit Attribution, you must remove any other marketing parameter that's a part of the full tracking string.

For example, if you want to include all Google Ads into attribution, but your Google Ads currently fire UTM_Source, UTM_Medium, and UTM_Campaign parameters, you'll need to remove all of these parameters from this tool.

Reverting your Marketing Parameters to the Default Settings

If you edit your Custom Attribution Settings but want to revert the settings to the MNTN defaults, select Revert to Defaults. This button removes all custom and non-default tags and cannot be reverted.

This button will appear once changes are made to the Custom Attribution Settings. If you do not see this button, all default settings remain intact.

Save Changes to your Marketing Parameters

The save button will remain locked if changes have not been made but will become available as soon as you add or delete new Marketing Parameters.

To save your Marketing Parameters for Custom Attribution, select Save Changes. Any new marketing parameters added that are not saved will be removed and unrecoverable once you exit your custom attribution settings.

Once you select Save Changes, your custom attribution settings will take effect immediately on subsequent visits. This does not impact data retroactively.

Customizing Your Attribution Settings

Below, we've outlined some examples of how to customize your attribution settings based on the scenarios below. In all of these examples, we'll follow the same steps:

1️⃣ Identify the Marketing Parameter Structure(s) your team uses across your other marketing channels.

2️⃣ Remove all default Marketing Parameters.

3️⃣ Add in your custom marketing parameters at the most aggregated level.

Example A - Include Google Visits in Attribution

Your account uses Google, Facebook, Instagram, Email, and TikTok for your marketing mix. You only want to unblock Google as a source so that all visits through the Google source are included in the attribution for Verified Visits.

Follow the steps outlined below to include visits driven by Google in attribution:

1️⃣ Identify which Marketing Parameter Structure(s) your team uses across Google. In this scenario, we’ll assume the use of the UTM structure.

2️⃣ Collect all Marketing Parameters your team uses across your marketing channels at the most aggregated level.

3️⃣ Remove all default UTM Marketing Parameters.

4️⃣ Click + New Marketing Parameters to add the parameters to exclude from attribution

5️⃣ Type in each Marketing Parameter, ensuring the parameter formatting matches the current channel set.

For this example, we would add back in the following UTMs:

  1. utm_source=facebook

  2. utm_source=instagram

  3. utm_source=email

  4. utm_source=tiktok

6️⃣ Select Enter after each string is typed into the New Query Param box.

7️⃣ Select Save Changes to update your custom attribution settings.

Check out the video below to see this process in real-time 👇

💡Note: Marketing parameters are custom and can differ from customer to customer per each marketing channel. For example, for Google, our example may be utm_source=google, while your team may leverage utm_source=ppc.

It's critical to always pull your marketing parameters directly from your internal trackers, Google Analytics, or other marketing channels to ensure accuracy.

Example B - Include Google Branded Search in Attribution

Your account leverages Google Brand, Google Non-Brand, Google PLAs, Facebook, Instagram, Email, and TikTok for your marketing mix. You only want to unblock Google-brand ads so that all visits through Google-brand ads are included in attribution for verified visits, but all other Google-based visits are excluded from attribution.

Follow the steps outlined below to include visits driven by Google-brand ads in attribution:

1️⃣ Identify which Marketing Parameter Structure(s) your team uses across your other marketing channels. In this scenario, we’ll assume the use of the UTM structure.

2️⃣ Collect all Marketing Parameters your team uses across your marketing channels at the most aggregated level. In this example, we will leverage UTM_Source AND UTM_Medium to achieve our goals, as we want to parse attribution out for each Google effort.

3️⃣ Remove all default UTM Marketing Parameters.

4️⃣ Select + New Marketing Parameters to add back in the parameters to exclude from attribution

5️⃣ Type in each Marketing Parameter, ensuring the parameter formatting exactly matches what is currently set in each respective channel

For this example, we would add back in the following UTMs:

  1. utm_source=facebook

  2. utm_source=instagram

  3. utm_source=email

  4. utm_source=tiktok

  5. utm_medium=pla

  6. utm_medium=nb_search

6️⃣ Select Enter after each string is typed into the “New Query Param” box.

7️⃣ Select Save Changes

Check out the video below to see this process in real-time 👇

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