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Upgrade to MNTN API 3.0

Upgrade your API to MNTN 3.0 to pull multi-dimensional reporting into your data systems.

Tori Cipollone avatar
Written by Tori Cipollone
Updated over 2 months ago

With the new MNTN API 3.0, you're able to take more control over your data and view the full impact that your TV commercials have on full-funnel performance. In this article, we'll review the key upgrades released with MNTN API 3.0, how to upgrade to MNTN 3.0, and which upgrade method you should follow for your individual needs.

Key Upgrades with MNTN API 3.0

  • The data is defaulted to First Touch reporting, which gives you a holistic view of your CTV performance. You will still have access to all Last Touch reporting metrics.

  • You can query and filter all of your data on multiple dimensions simultaneously when retrieving data sets.

  • Our new API is faster than ever, offering up to 10x speed improvements between API 1.0 and API 3.0.

  • We Simplified API definitions for ease of use

We have 2 ways of upgrading your MNTN API to 3.0:

This upgrade method is best suited for the savvy marketer who pulls 1-off API requests

  • Pull R2 API 3.0 Request in real-time through your browser to view data, or download data as a CSV or Excel file

  • Leverage existing data tables, or build custom data tables in the MNTN platform to leverage our pre-built R2 API 3.0 links for ease of use

  • Port a small number of pre-built reports into your B&I tool's API ingester to visualize select MNTN data alongside your other channels

  • Create an API for Spend and Impression data, or Order ID data to pass to your MMM or Attribution Partner

This upgrade method is best suited for the API Whiz, or Analytics Guru managing APIs for multiple customers

  • Use this guide to upgrade your full API system if you already have MNTN data pulling in on an automated basis, leveraging API calls from MNTN API 1.0.

  • Use this to support a home-gown internal B&I reporting, or a 3rd party B&I solution

  • Develop new API calls if you are an existing API Partner, or create a new data connection in your system from MNTN

  • Architect a custom API call, leveraging multiple dimensions and filters to access the precise data you need to make business decisions

MNTN API Change Guide

API Version

Multi-Dimensional Reporting

Default Reporting Type

API Domain

API 1.0

❌ Not Supported

Last Touch

API 2.0

✅ Supported

Last Touch

API 3.0

✅ Supported

First Touch

To check which API you are currently using, look at the domain of the API string. The Domain will correspond with the API version as shown above.

⚡️ Not sure if you're currently leveraging an API? If you view MNTN data anywhere outside of the MNTN, Rockerbox, or GA4 Platforms, you're likely leveraging an API to pull in data. This data can range from spend data to performance metrics.

Accessing your Last Touch Data in API 3.0

In the MNTN API 3.0 data set, Verified Visit and Conversion Data is defaulted to our First Touch Reporting model, but you still have access to Last Touch Reporting Metrics within your available metrics. Simply add in the additional Last Touch metrics to your custom reports or API calls to access that data.



Total Verified Visits

The total number of First-Touch visits to your site within your defined Verified Visit window after being exposed to a PTV ad.

Total Conversions

The total number of Conversions that resulted from a First-Touch Verified Visit within the conversion window.

Total Last Touch Verified Visits

The total number of Last-Touch visits to your site that visited through an organic or direct path within your defined Verified Visit window after being exposed to a PTV ad.

Total Last Touch Conversions

The total number of Conversions that resulted from a Last-Touch Verified Visit within the conversion window.

💡Pro Tip: Additional Metrics that leverage Verified Visits and Conversions in their calculations have also been added. This includes the following:

  • Last Touch Cost Per Visit

  • Last Touch Visit Rate

  • Last Touch Average Order Value

  • Last Touch Conversion Rate

  • Last Touch CPA

  • Last Touch Order Value

  • Last Touch ROAS

To view all metric definitions, reference our Reporting Metrics Glossary.

Upgrade to MNTN API 3.0 using Table APIs

The simplest way to upgrade your API to MNTN 3.0 will be to generate a new R2 API String from your default or custom data tables directly from your MNTN reporting suite. We recommend this approach if you are simply connecting to a B&I platform and need a completed API link, or do not want to make manual customizations on a table you already have built.

1️⃣ Go to the Reporting Section of the MNTN UI

2️⃣ Either build a net-new data table, or access an existing table within one of your default or custom reports

3️⃣ Click on the link icon at the top right of the data table

4️⃣ This will populate an R2 API Request Link. Copy this link and paste it into your relevant endpoint. This link already includes your API key as well.

Your format is defaulted to format=human, but this can be updated to format=json, format=excel, or format=csv.

Upgrade Manually to MNTN API 3.0

This will be a how-to guide for the more advanced data analysts who need to upgrade their existing R2 API 1.0 connections to API 3.0.

1️⃣ New Domain Endpoint

Update your root domain to:

You can use /apidata or /apilist at the end of the domain accordingly to access your information.

  • API List is used to see a list of all available data summaries and metrics

  • API Data is used to pull your performance data via the API

2️⃣ Update your Data Retrieval

Info Tables

All INFO calls can remain intact.

Graph Tables

Anywhere you call a table that is not an INFO table or a DETAIL table, you can update that table to be a graph. For example:

Prior API:


New API:


Wherever you are calling ‘Name’ or ‘ID’ from a Summary table, you will need to update the table to be the corresponding Info table

Prior API:,advertiser.impressions,advertiser.visitrate

New API:,graph.impressions,graph.visitrate

Detail Tables

Your detail tables (Conversions) will remain the same in this upgrade.

3️⃣ Update any Filters

Because we have more flexibility with reporting, we needed to format our filtration in a more scalable way; this requires a syntax that is not supported by HTTP protocol; therefore, the values will need to be encoded:

Prior API:’200’

New API:


needs to be encoded: but for display of syntax




"": {

"in": ["28915"]



Example Upgrades

Prior API:


New API:




"data": [





"key": "<>",

"begin": "2024-01-01",

"end": "2024-01-31",

"format": "human"


Available Data Notes

Date Ranges Available:

  • Data prior to 1/1/2023 will not be supported in this new dimensional data set, data prior to 1/1/2023 will need to be retrieved via the legacy API

DataSets Not Available in new API yet:

  • Audience Segment Data:

    • We will be releasing a dimensional version of this data soon in the new API

    • This data should be retrieved via the legacy API for now

Table and Column Name Changes

Table Changes:

  • CampaignGroupInfo -> CampaignInfo

  • CreativeGroupInfo -> CreativeInfo

  • CreativeInfo -> AdInfo

Metric Changes: please read Table Changes first and apply to this section

  • CampaignGroupInfo.CampaignGroupID -> CampaignInfo.CampaignID

  • CreativeGroupInfo.GroupID -> CreativeInfo.CreativeID

  • CreativeInfo.CreativeID -> CreativeInfo.AdID

Key Changes

  • “sum=”

    • This is no longer a necessary parameter, by simply adding the info tables to your data request it will automatically summarize by those values

    • However, if you still wish to structure your requests with “sum=” you are welcome to continue doing that, it will automatically add these values as columns in your output

  • Segment Data

    • Segment data will continue to be retrieved via the endpoint using the prior API syntax

  • Filter

    • Filtering will have new syntax and will require encoding before being leveraged in the GET version of our API

  • Custom Calculations:

    • Not supported in our new API version; coming soon

To learn more, visit the MNTN R2 API 3.0 Guide.

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