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MOBA Xsite Manage

Here is a description of how to add the Xsite Manage integration via SkyMap Connect.

Updated over a year ago

In MOBA Design Tool, you can add integration with a project in MOBA Xsite Manage through the Connect module. This allows you to transfer files between the platforms and obtain machine control files directly from File manager to the machine.

To add the MOBA Xsite Manage integration to a project, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a Company Admin.

  2. Open the project to which you want to connect the integration with MOBA Xsite Manage.

  3. Go to the Connect module.

  4. Click on Add integration.

  5. The dialog will display the possible integrations to connect via SkyMap Connect.

  6. Add the Xsite Manage integration.

  7. The Xsite Manage integration is now added and appears on the left in the list of integrations in the project. You now need to link the project to the corresponding project in Xsite Manage. You can do this by logging into and copying the web address from the respective project while in Data management (Ctrl + c). If you don't have a project in Xsite Manage, it must be created first to be able to continue.

  8. Go back to MOBA Design Tool and paste the link (Ctrl + v) into the Link to the project field.

  9. Click on Enable Integration.

  10. Verify yourself as an Xsite Manage user by logging in via the login dialog to Xsite Manage.

  11. Upon successful login, you will return to MOBA Design Tool with information that the projects are linked. Here you will also see the activation date of the integration and a link to the project in Xsite Manage.

  12. After activating the integration with Xsite Manage, you now need to link a root folder to Connect in the File manager of the MOBA Design Tool project. The linked root folder is used as the main folder for synchronizing files and folders between the platforms.

  13. To transfer files from MOBA Design Tool to Xsite Manage, upload files to the linked root folder in Connect. This way, the files are synchronized and accessible in connected machines in Xsite. If files are uploaded or folders are created in Xsite Manage, these are synchronized down to the project. If the same file is uploaded in MOBA Design Tool again with the same name, the file in Xsite Manage is replaced. If the same action is done from Xsite Manage, a new version of the file is created.

  14. For machine operators using LandNova via Xsite Manage, files can now be sent directly from MOBA Design Tool's File Manager to production.

It's worth noting that if files are deleted in Xsite Manage, the files in MOBA Design Tool are also deleted, but not if the deletion occurs in MOBA Design Tool; in that case, the corresponding objects in Xsite Manage are not deleted.

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