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Automatic Rules

Learn how to use the auto-optimization feature to effortlessly run your campaigns

Olessya avatar
Written by Olessya
Updated over 4 years ago

Rule-based optimization allows you to make dynamic campaigns that adjust and optimize according to the rules you set.
This allows you to spend less time optimizing while still ensuring the same performance and profits. 

Please note, this feature is only available for those tracking conversions.

You can create and edit your custom rules from the Create Page. The rules are broken down into flexible IF-THEN statements. For some rules to get you started, check out our Winning Rules.

For example:

IF a supply has more than $10 spent &  the CTR is lower than %1  Within 24h  THEN  pause supply Every 4h.

Our algorithm will then look, every four hours,  at all the sources matching both of the if conditions (supply has more than $10 spent and a CTR lower than 10%) within the last 24 hours,  then it would go and pause of all of the feed matchings that criteria. 

How to create new rules?

Head to the Create Page.

Find the Automatic Rules  section and click the new rule button.

  1. Select a rule item

(This is what the rule will be applied to.)

  1. Offer

  2. Supply

  3. Freshness

2. Select 1st conditional statement with defined its value
(This determines whether the action can be implemented.)

  1. ROI

  2. CPA 

  3. Clicks

  4. Deliveries

  5. Conversion

  6. Won Rate

  7. CTR

  8. Conversion Rate

  9. Spent

3. Set a logical condition for the formula and set a value

  1. Lower 

  2. Higher

4. Select 2nd conditional statement with defined its value
(Both conditions must be met before the action can be executed.)

  1. ROI

  2. CPA 

  3. Clicks

  4. Deliveries

  5. Conversion

  6. Won Rate

  7. CTR

  8. Conversion Rate

  9. Spent

5. Set a logical condition for the formula and set a value

  1. Lower 

  2. Higher

6. Add Another condition
(You can create more precise rules by adding more conditions. You can add as many as you need.)

7. Set the timeframe - Within
(This is how far back the computer will look.)

  1. Within Today

  2. Within 1h

  3. Within 2h

  4. Within 4h

  5. Within 24h

  6. Within 48h

  7. Within 72h

8.Define the following action after the conditions have been met
(All but Pause require you to set a cap [up to 50%] which can be used to limit the amount of change to your campaigns.)

  1. Pause

  2. Decrease Bid

  3. Increase Bid

  4. Increase Budget

(If you decrease your bid don't use negative numbers for your values.)

9. Set the frequency of checks - Every
(This is how often our computers check for these conditions.)

  1. Every 30m

  2. Every 2h

  3. Every 4h

  4. Every 6h

  5. Every 12h

  6. Every 24h

10. Rule Stats
(This will tell you how many times a rule has checked and from those applied.  You can also enable and disable the rule.)

11. Save as template
(Name and save your rules to easily use them on your other campaigns.)

Check out our Winning Rules to get more ideas on how to shape your automatic rules.

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