If your school utilizes on of the four offered SIS roster syncs (Blackbaud, Veracross, PowerSchool, or FACTS), all you need to do to onboard new users is:
Create a new sub-org for the incoming class (Dashboard -> Sub-Orgs -> Create Sub-Org). NOTE: Sub-Org names must be unique across the entire platform, so follow the naming convention in place (e.g. "Jake's HS: Class of 2025" rather than simply "Class of 2025").
Once that sub-org is created, go to your settings -> integrations -> click on the relevant integration -> map the corresponding graduation year to the new sub-org.
When the sync runs at midnight EST it will create those accounts (if they are active in your SIS)!
Rolling out to students:
If the "notify..." box is checked, then it will send the invitation, if the box is unchecked, it will just create the accounts and you can roll out later by manually sending the invite email.