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What is the Modern Classrooms Project?
Who started the Modern Classrooms Project?
Who started the Modern Classrooms Project?

How two public-school teachers launched a global movement.

Rob avatar
Written by Rob
Updated over a week ago

In 2016, our co-founders Kareem Farah and Rob Barnett met as math teachers at a Title I high school in Washington, DC.

Facing chronic absenteeism and a wide range of skill levels within each class, Kareem and Rob developed an instructional model that empowered every student — regardless of background, ability, or attendance — to master key content and skills.

Teachers across DC learned about Kareem and Rob's work. In 2018, they founded a nonprofit called the Modern Classrooms Project, and trained 8 teachers in DC. Inspired by that cohort’s success, as well as the interest of fellow educators around the world, they left the classroom to run The Modern Classrooms Project full-time.

To date, the Modern Classrooms Project has reached over 25,000 educators in 140+ countries through our innovative Virtual Mentorship Program & comprehensive Free Online Course. We continue to support and empower new educators every day.

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