We have made it easier for you to manage your finn ads through Mojob:
Connection between Finn and Mojob ads:
Finn and Mojob ads will remain connected until the Finn ad expires. It means that changing the Mojob ad status from Live: Open for applicants to Stop receiving applicants will not disconnect Finn ad from Mojob ad. The Finn ad will still be linked to the Mojob ad, but it will be inactive for applications. If you change back the job status to Live, the Finn ad will become active again for applications. You can preview the finn ad any time by clicking on the “Eye” icon.
Important: if you see the “Eye” icon on the finn card, it means that the finn ad is connected to the Mojob ad and can be open for applications until it expires. The connected finn ad will have the “Save” button at the bottom of the Finn form. Once the finn ad expires, it will be automatically disconnected from the Mojob ad and you will see “Create new Finn ad” button at the bottom of the Finn form.
Please click Watch the video button below to see how it works.
Finn ad duration:
Maximum duration of the Finn ad is + 41 days starting from its creation date. This is the duration set by Finn.no and can't be changed. You can easily see when the finn ad expires either on the Finn ad card (Active (expires in X days)) or on the top of the Finn form (Duration (Active for))
Finn ad statuses:
The finn ad in Mojob can have the following statuses:
Active (Expires in X days) if the job is Live and open for applications,
and Inactive (Expires in X days) if the finn ad is toggled off or the job status is changed to Stop receiving applicants. Finn ad becomes Inaktiv and will be closed for applicants.
Billing unit for the finn ads:
This update affects the Customers having different partner ids for their departments. Now an admin user of the top unit can post finn ads to the correct billing unit by selecting the respective unit in the Job Editor or by selecting the needed partner id from the drop-down in the Finn form. When selecting the needed Unit in Job Editor for a not yet created Finn ad, the corresponding partner id will be auto-selected in the Finn form. Also admin users will be able either to select the needed partner id from the drop-down list or add it manually, if the needed one is missing. Click Watch the video below to see how it works.
Important: after the finn ad is created, it is not possible to change the partner id.
Due dates:
Changing the due date in the Job Editor page will auto-update the due date in the Finn form. Please note that if you select the “Open application” in the Job Editor and if the finn ad is not yet created, then the due date field in the Finn form will be empty. You will need to select the due date manually in such cases.
Error messages:
We have updated the finn ads' error messages to clear text messages. The following error messages can occur:
Ugyldig Finn-partner ID
Finn-partner er ikke angitt. Ugyldig Finn-partner ID
Ugyldig postnummer
Ugyldig nettadresse for Linkedin
Ugyldig nettadresse for Facebook
Ugyldig nettadresse for Twitter
Ugyldig nettside
Forfallsdato kan ikke være før dagens dato
Forfallsdato må være innenfor <DDMMYYY> og <DDMMYYY>
We have improved the search and filtering options of the applicants in the Table and Board views
Now filtering and searching will work faster and smoother for the jobs with thousands of applicants.
We have made some adjustments to the Interview scheduling options in chat
Business users and applicants won’t be able to update the finished interviews. Also the applicants in the Rejected state won't be able to update the interviews. It means that there will be no Update and Cancel buttons below the Interview details in chat once the interview date is finished or if the applicant is moved to the Rejected state.
Before the release:
After the release: