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Design your recruitment process

Build and automate your own recruitment process

Tetiana avatar
Written by Tetiana
Updated over a year ago

Recruitment steps and states

Click "Set up the hiring process" button on the Job Editor page if you want to set up and automate your recruitment process. By default you will see the following states:

Application (Applied) and Outcome (Hired, Rejected) states cannot be updated. So it is not possible to change the state name, remove it or switch its position.

Process states is where you have much more opportunities. First of all, you can update or delete the default states: change their names, update the color of the states (this color will be visible when moving candidates to the states on Applicants page). Secondly, you can add a new state and then do the same actions as described in the first point above. And thirdly, you can change the order of the states - put, for example, Offer state straight after Applied state, and Qualified - after Interview state etc. Just click the drag and drop option on the top left corner of the state and drag to another position.


Apps are additional options helping you better assess the candidates, create proper communication flow with the candidates and within the team. Each state has a default automatic message app. In addition Applied state has a CV app and all Outcome states (Hired, Rejected) have an NPS app. Let's briefly review all the apps:

1. CV app is a default app in Applied state. It cannot be deleted and it is not available in any other state. Here you mark the fields as mandatory, optional or not needed. If the field is mandatory, then the candidate must provide this information while applying for a job; if the field is optional - candidate may or may not provide this information; and if the field is not needed, then candidate will not even see the field in his application form.

2. Other apps. Click "ADD APPS" option available in every state and add the app from the list:

  • "Screening Questions" app - add Text, YES/NO and Multichoice questions. Drag them from Suggested Questions, create your own questions, edit/delete questions etc. Remember to mark correct answers in YES/NO and Multichoice questions. Use automatic rejection of unqualified candidates who failed to answer screening questions correclty by selecting filter automatically option (for YES/NO and Multichoice questions only). If you do not check this box for all such questions, you will need to filter the candidates manually. If you check only some of the questions, candidates will be automatically filtered based only on the checked questions.

  • "1-Way video interview" app - add maximum 3 questions here either from the suggested list or create your own questions. Select the video length for each video question. This defines how much time the applicant has to record an answer to video question.

  • "Interview scheduling" app - connect to your Outlook account, create the interview invitation by adding location, number of seats and time slots.

  • "Reference check" app - ask applicants to provide reference contacts within the set number of days.

  • "NPS" app - measure candidate's satisfaction with the recruitment process.

  • Send automatic message" app - use suggested automatic message, create your own, and add files/images there.

  • "Add note about the candidate" app - use it for internal purposes within your team to make a note about the candidate progress, add files/images there.

  • "Motimate" app helps companies train their employees through e-learning.

  • Integrate with "Recman" app through Mojob.

  • Add "Learnifier" app so the applicants take online courses and programs

  • Add "Planday" app to manage employee's schedule online.

Important: you can delete, update the added apps any time. You can also move the apps within the state in the order which best suits your recruitment process. It means that if, for example, "Screening questions" app comes first, then "Send automatic message" app, then the applicant first receives screening questions to answer and only then the automatic message. The only exception is with CV app, which will always be the first app in Applied state, because it defines the application process for the candidate. Also all the apps, except for CV app and "Screening Questions" app in Applied state, will be sent to the candidate through chat straight after changing candidates' state.

CV and "Screening Questions" apps in Applied state are sent to the candidates while they are applying for a job.

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