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Create pay rates & run payroll (more in depth)
Create pay rates & run payroll (more in depth)
Erin avatar
Written by Erin
Updated over 10 months ago

This article covers how to add pay rates for teachers teaching classes and appointments. These rates are paid on a per class basis or per appointment basis.

To set hourly pay rates -- like for a front desk role or anyone that clocks in and out, click Settings > Staff Accounts. These hourly rates can be tallied up with all other rates in the Combined Payroll Report.

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Add Pay Rates

Pay rates for those that teach classes or appointments can be created in a number of ways, using base rates or percentage splits to name a couple examples. To get started, click Studio set-up > Pay rates > Add pay rate.

From the Add Pay Rate page you'll find each section contains a question mark to hover over. This will give an explanation of how the payment option works.

A base rate is the amount the instructor gets paid for teaching the class, regardless of how many customers register.

Pay per customer tacks on an additional amount for each customer that shows. (note: you can choose to use just Pay per Customer without a base rate if you prefer)

A Percentage split looks at the total revenue of the class and allows you to split it with the teacher, where the teacher receives whatever percentage you list here.

For a more in depth tour of how each section works, see the video below.

Set a universal default pay rate per teacher

This pre-populates the teachers pay rate where ever you schedule them, regardless of what they're being scheduled for. You can always edit the payrate to something else after it pre-populates.

To set this click Studio Setup > Teachers > click the drop down menu to the right of the teacher > Edit.

Set default pay rates per teacher that change depending on what they're scheduled to teach

While setting a universal default pay-rate for each teacher can save time with scheduling, setting default pay rates for when that teacher teaches certain classes and appointments makes scheduling a lot easier. More importantly, it ensure's you don't have to remember who gets paid which rate when you're scheduling -- after assigning a teacher to a specific class or appointment, it just auto-fills the default rate you originally chose for this scenario.

Before scheduling your classes and appointments, you can control which pay-rate will auto-populate for a teacher they are scheduled to teach:

• a class that came from a specific template

• any appointment service scheduled on a specific appointment board

• a specific service scheduled on an appointment board

Each case above will override the default rate you set. In other words, you're basically saying 'Hey Momence, plan to assign this default rate when I schedule this teacher anywhere, unless:

  • I'm scheduling them to a class series that came from this specific class template -- then use rate x.

  • Or, if they're being booked on this Appointment Board's schedule performing any service -- then use rate y.

  • Or, if they're being booked to perform a specific Service on that board -- then use rate z.

Set a teacher's default rate by class template

(Ie. When this teacher is assigned to a class created from a specific template, assign this payrate)

Click Studio set-up > click the dropdown menu to the right > click Detail.

In the Class templates default pay rates, click the dropdown menu to the right, then Edit pay rate.

To set a default rate for a teacher click Studio Setup > Teachers > edit the teacher

Set a teacher's default rate for a specific appointment board

(Where all appointments booked for this teacher on this board's schedule will auto assign this pay rate -- unless a default pay rate for this teacher has been assigned to the specific service being performed)

To set a default rate for a specific appointment board click Appointments > Boards > click the board

Then edit the teacher's default pay rate.

Set a teacher's default rate for a specific appointment service

To set a default rate for a specific appointment service, click Appointments > Services > click the dropdown menu to the right of the service > click Service Detail.

Run Payroll

To run pay roll, click Pay Rates > click the Run Payroll button in the top right. This will prompt you to choose if you'd like to see the payroll report for Classes or Appointments. You'll then have a chance to set date parameters before downloading the report.

If you want a report that includes, classes, appointments, hourly wages and tips, use the combined payroll report, which can be found in under Analytics > Reports.

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