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View/Unsubmit Episode Questions or Handouts
View/Unsubmit Episode Questions or Handouts

How do I View or Unsubmit Episode Questions and Handouts that were already submitted?

Leo Paolo Leal avatar
Written by Leo Paolo Leal
Updated over a week ago

1. Go to "My Classrooms" page.

2. Select "Student Work"

3. Click the green arrow beside the unit / student name to show expand the list.

To View/Unsubmit Episode Questions

Click on the grade or the status indicator and click "View" which will open the Question Page on a new page.

Click the 'Unsubmit' button to clear your student's work. Upon clicking this, the student can retake the Episode Questions. All previous answers are also saved (except for drawings).

To View/Unsubmit Handouts

Click the status indicator on the handout you want to View or Unsubmit.

If you have already graded the work, click on the Grade (% or score). Click 'View' and the question page will open to a new tab. Click 'Unsubmit' to return the work to the student.

If you haven't graded the work, click the status indicator, then click 'View'. When clicked, the question page will open to a new tab. Click 'Unsubmit' to return the work to the student.


Q1: Are the students' work saved after I unsubmit their work?

A: Yes. The students' previous answers will be saved, except for drawings in the drawing tool in the handouts.

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