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Budget Control
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is a budget?

Budgets simplify the process of monitoring the expenses for your teams, cost centers and more by enabling you to set spending limits that are not tied to one specific card or user.

Why use budgets?

  • Increase accountability: Encourage responsible spending by making departments and individuals more aware of their budget limits and the impact of their purchase decisions.

  • Prevent overspending: Unlock proactive cost management and prevent overspending by alerting decision-makers when purchase requests exceed budget limits.

  • Enable strategic decision-making: Facilitate better informed decisions about resource allocation and prioritization of spending based on budgetary constraints and goals.

Who can be a budget holder?

Any user in Moss: admins, accountants, and users. Being appointed as a budget holder doesn’t affect any other product permissions and visibility.

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